Chapter 33

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I may have returned to the mansion, but I kept my distance from the Alpha King. Don't know why I came back really, but I did. Something had urged me to come with him and no matter how much I tried, how much I fought, it made me go.

During the time I spent out of my room I saw him from time to time but I hardly spoke to him. It's hard to do that when he's been giving me a lot of attention, well, more attention than before. He'd say how beautiful I am and that he regrets what he said to me every day since it's happened. I never said anything back, though. I really tried to talk to the Alpha King, but every attempt I made failed due to the gut feeling I had. That Feeling kept me from speaking.

To stay out of the house I always visited the place that had the now fully bloomed rose. Around it the ground was filled with grass and other beautiful flowers that amazed me. I was laying down in the soft grass when Ray flew in, like he has in the mornings when he wakes from his nest that had his mate not far from here. I've also called my parents every day in the week that passed. In that week flowers were left on my balcony door every morning and night.

It was going on to the second week when finally Beta Ryan had a talk with me. "I think the Alpha King has been tortured enough," he said while leaning against a tree.

I shake my head, looking down at the grass with all its beauty. "I'm not doing this to hurt him," I defended myself. "I just need some distance from him."

He walked forward and squats in front of me. "By staying away from each other you're hurting more than what he said to you."

Silent. I knew he's right, but it didn't made anything any easier, though. The Alpha King knew I was trying to ease his pain, yet he pushes me away to 'protect me'. I don't need protecting, I need my mate. And in order for me to have my mate I have to talk to him.

I nod. Without saying anything, I left and went looking for him. After I couldn't find him anywhere I searched for him with our bond. It led me to the roof where a table was set with candles and food layed out. This effectively shocked me. It was like he knew I would come see him.

My mate was standing behind a seat with some grey jeans and a black shirt that clung to ever part of his muscled chest. "Please" - sweeping his hand forward - "sit."

I walked forward in a daze. As I was about to sit down he pulled the chair out and slid it in as I sat. He sat as well.

"Would you like some wine?" he politely asked.

I nod, blushing when I was caught staring at him.

"Please eat."

I felt his eyes on me but I didn't move or look at him. "I'm not going to eat unless you do," I said stubbornly.

He picked up his knife and fork and began to eat his steak. I do too.

"I haven't eaten in a week. I'm starving." The way he said it, his voice deep and husky, made me look at him through my lashes.

I knew what kind of hunger he's been starving for, and I had to admit it too. "I've been quite hungry myself."

His eyes darkened as well as mine, the tension between us heated, the lower part of my body pulsing and throbbing. I thought of him taking me right here on the roof, but then I remembered what he'd said to me the last time we made love. Ice cold water splashed on me, cooling the heat I was feeling.

Cleared my throat and continued to eat my steak. "It's delicious," I compliment with a small smile.

A big hand rests on my smaller one, gentle. "I know you're shutting me out," he acknowledged. "I can feel the shift in you through our bond."

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