Hunter Rowland imagine

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*Your pov*
"But mom I don't want to move to Arizona!" "I'm sorry (Y/N), but we have to my job got moved there." "I know, but why can't I move in with Jacey? We could all talk about it together and she even said that her parents would be happy to have me." "Honey I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let you move in with them." "But mom-" "That is enough (Y/N)! We are moving and there is nothing you can do about it! And just so you know it's hard for me too, to leave everything, but I need to keep my job." "OK sorry mom." "It's fine just go and get everything ready for tomorrow." "Ok"
*finished packing going to bed*
So I guess that's it. I'm leaving Chicago to go to Arizona. I'm gonna miss everyone so much, but I guess it's for the best. *Gets a text from Jacey*
Jacey: so what did your mom say?
(Y/N): she said no
Jacey: oh that sucks we're all really gonna miss you
(Y/N): I know I going to miss you guys too
Jacey: Gtg I'll see you tomorrow gn♡
(Y/N): kk bye♡
*next morning*
I woke up and put on cute ripped high waisted black shorts, a tight black crop top, a flannel and white vans. I go down stairs and see pancakes after I'm down my pancakes I go to help my mom load the moving truck. When we were finish I see my group of friends running to me and before I know I was on the ground with be on top of me laughing. Once we got up we said our goodbyes crying even the boys were crying I've never seen the boys cry which made me cry even more. I go to the car and get it in, I blow a kiss and wave at my friends and that was it. Maybe I'll see them over the summer, but even if I don't I can still text them.
*skips to being in Arizona*
We were finally in Arizona. To be honest I could get used to it. I look at one of our neighbors and I see a boy about 14 on their porch and he waves and smiles and I do the same. I think he's actually really cute. I decided to go and help my mom unpack everything and to my surprise we finish unpacking and it was only 2:00 pm. I was going to make myself a sandwich when I heard a knock on the door, so as anyone would do I go to open it and when I did I was greeted by this lady that had I huge smile on her face and behind her were 3 boys the one I saw earlier, one that looked a little younger than the first and a little boy that was the cutest thing ever(Ashton slays my life lol) the lady says "Hi I'm Christine and this is Hunter, Brandon and Ashton, we're your neighbors." "Hi it's really nice to meet you all." I go to shake her hand but she pulls me into a hug. I shake hunter,, brandon and ashton's hands and I welcome them all in. Than my mom comes in and said "(Y/N) who is at the door?" And she comes down and said "hello you must be our neighbors" and Christine was like "yes we are." She introduced all the boys to my mom and they just kept talking. Brandon is on his phone and ashton is playing with a toy he brought with him. So that left me and Hunter. Hunter said "so how do you like Arizona so far?" "I haven't really been to alot of places, but with what I've seen so far it looks nice." "Oh well I could show you around if you "yeah sure" "how about tomorrow at 12:00ish?" "Sounds good" "k cool. What school are you going to?" "Um I'm pretty sure I'm going Allen.A.Greenleaf (A/N that's the school I go to I couldn't think of school lol) "oh my gosh same! Maybe we'll have some classes together" "yeah maybe" "Guys it's time to go" their mom yelled "ok" they all said. "Wait!(Y/N) can I get your number?" "Yeah sure" we exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes.
*at night*
I was get ready for bed when my phone went off. I looked at to name and it said 'Daddy' and I just chuckled at it knowing it was hunter.
Daddy: yo you like the name I put?Lol (Y/N) : sure lol
Daddy: well I gtg I'll see at 12: 00ish oh and look out your window
(Y/N): ok?
* looks out window and sees Hunter*
Chuckles and types
(Y/N): stalk much
Daddy: ahaha only you
Daddy: ahaha bye
(Y/N): bye
This could be the start of something new.

A/N I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine this was my first one so please be nice I know it's not the best but I tried so yeah
Well I hope you guys have a good day and remember to vote and maybe follow if you want.

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