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Kei pov:

"Kei wanna hang out later?"
"Kei wanna have dinner later?"
"Kei will you date me?"
"Kei will you be my friend!?"
"Kei will you be my friend too!?"
Kei this, kei that!
Im so popular! Im practically friends with the whole year group! Im the most popular girl in the school and i get asked out around once Mau be twice a week ...
Im probably popular because i live with a rich family... The hummingbirds...

They are a British family who I I completely adore,  I'm lucky to be with such a family.

"Kei come on!" Sara laughs as we run through the forest...
"Hold on i need to do my shoe lace up!" I shout but they ran off without me...
"Guys! Anyone?" I walk around the forest until i walk into a man...
"Hello ca- eeek!" I shriek as he runs of with me and puts me in the car...
"Let me go!" I cry
He stays silent..
Flashback ends

Basically i got abducted by a British family and i now call them family... There is mr and mrs hummingbird, jane and Julius hummingbird and fido the dog... although they kidnapped me... I didn't mind... my previously family was horrible...

"Kei! Back in the room!" Mr Vilkas says tapping my head
"Sorry sir!" I say and smile sweetly
"Ah... Its okay" he smiles back...
Im popular with the teachers too...


"Kei! Hear bout the new boys whe are ment to be joinin' tomorrow?" My best friend amy asks
"Yeah i did...  9 dudes right?" I ask
"9 indeed!" Amy  says smiling..

Amy is my best frieind who keeps trying to escape the friend zone...she's bisexual and I completely encourage it... she's my best friend after all.

Its hard at school because every lesson is a fight to the death for  who sits next to me... But hey its cool! I just wanna get home!

At home

"Im hoooome!" I shout as i walk through the door.
"How was school , kei?" Mrs hummingbird asks
"Great!" I smile and i sit down and do my homework...
"Kei... Can you draw me an animate?" Jane asks
"Animate? You mean anime... He he yeah" i smile and draw her a quick picture of an anime maid...
"Cool?" I ask
"Coolio!" She smiles and runs to bed...

I didn't watch much anime... but I've always been good at drawing...

After my dinner i go straight  to bed myself...
Im exited to meet the new boys!
I fall asleep fast.

The next day

"Bye!" I shout and run to the bus station to find amy and some of the gang...
"Kei!" Amy,  kyle, Lyle and tom shout...
"Who are they?" I point out to a group of boys staring at me... I obviously had my attention drawn to myself as I ran up to the bus stop
"Oh they are the new boys, they are called-"

I kept my cliffhanger... I may not edit the whole book but I'll edit the short chapters

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