Chapter 8; Kill 'em All

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Ani's POV:

It's dark now.

I feel her presence, It was always very strong. Unforgettable.

But now, she's weak.

Now... she's almost dead.

Looking down the cliff, I see one major fire, and 3 smaller ones, with about 100 tents. A bunch of sand people are gathered around the major fire, and I take that distraction to jump down the 100 foot cliff, landing silently with the help of the force.

Following the feeling, we come to a large tent with no sign of life.

Pulling out my saber, I draw a door and step inside, checking everywhere before gasping when I see mom.

"Ani?" She mutters, and I nod.

"It's me, mom" I say, and hear Hannah come in.

"She Alive?" She asks, and mom starts coughing again.

"Ani" Mom says, and Hannah backs out, leaving us alone.


I don't really listen in to their conversation, but my ears pick up her last words.

"I love... I love..." She says, before she goes into a coughing rage, and eventually falls silent.

A tear falls but I quickly wipe it away as I'm filled with anger.

I step back inside, taking her body from him and wrapping her in cloth.

"We gotta go" Ani says, fearful and crying.


"Take her back. I'll meet you there" I say, pushing Ani towards the bike.

"How are you going to get back?" He asks, starting up the engine and holding his mother in his lap and chest.

"They have bike's, I'll steal one. Now go. Go!" I snap, running back to the camps.

He didn't even hesitate in speeding off.

I stand at the ridge, anger pumping through my veins going 1000 miles per hour.

I turn on my saber and feel the wind through my hair.

"Kill them all" someone growls in my head, and I take not a second more to jump down the cliff, slicing through every single one like they were nothing.

They are nothing.

Women, Men, children, newborns, ALL OF THEM DEAD

Because of me.

I. Killed. Them. All.

Anger still pumping through my veins, I light the whole camp on fire, spitting on the leaders body.

"Rot in hell, filthy bastards" I say, turning on one of their speeders and taking the long way back, taking a pit stop to slightly injure Watto.


"Where'd you go?" Ani asks the next day.

When I'd gotten back, her body was burned in a pyre and most of the ashes were put away.

"I needed to think" I say, still pissed off.

They left her there. Alone, bleeding out. Tortured.


"Hannah, what did you do" Ani says, a tenseness to his voice.

"I killed them. I killed them all" I confess, and he sits back down, shocked.

"Why?" He asks, shocked.

"WHY? YOU SAW WHAT THEY DID TO HER!" I yell, throwing a glass across the room we'd been given.

"It's over. Nothing left now" Ani says, still shocked I killed them.

"The women, the children. They're all gone" I say, pacing around the room.

"Why are you being like this?" He asks, awestruck at my behavior.

I don't say anything, just keep pacing, hoping he'll drop it.


"It's just me, okay Anakin? And if you don't like it then let's go back to coroscant and request we never work together" I say, and he stands up, stopping me.

"I just want to know what's changed with you" He says.

"Changed from that night" He says, searching my eyes for any emotion.

I take a deep breath and my eyes leave his.

"We should head back to the council. They're going to get suspicious when we dont show up" I say, leaving his grasp running up the stairs, going to our ship.

I plug R2 into the system, and see Ani wishing them goodbye, before seeing him go under the ship, then his footsteps heard through the cabin.

Neither of us say anything but as soon as the ship turn on, the radio starts acting weird, static coming through trying to make a message through the hologram.

I run up to the radio, tuning the stations, until my dad's whole body comes focused.

"I request backup immediately. Something terri- oh no, wait!" He says, turning on his saber, then fighting off lasers, he leaves view, but a battle droid comes into the lens, shooting at my father, until the message is cut off.

"Let's go" I say, going to the back of this ship to clear takeoff.

"Where are you going?" Ani asks, grabbing my arm.

"To save my father" I say, like it's common sense.

"No, you're not" He says.

"Let go of me, I say, releasing my hand.

"Why can't I save my father? He obviously needs someone's help!" I argue.

"The Jedi council will handle it"

"Yeah, and they'll send us back out here once we get there. We might as well go now and make sure he doesn't get killed before hand" I say, storming off to clear everything for takeoff.


"I need a full medical evaluation now"

"Blood Pressure low, pulse 180/60"

"Keep pressure on her arm, we're almost there"

"Hannah, Hannah can you hear me? Hannah I need to know if you can hear me"

I nod my head and they start barking more orders at people.

"You're gonna be okay Hannah" A familiar voice says, stroking my hair as they whisper in my ear.

"Everything's gonna be okay"

"Everything's gonna be alright"

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