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*.•Shawn Mendes•.*

I was surprised when I saw Emily sitting in the lobby of the theater. I didn't actually expect her to wait, in fact I could've sworn she thought I was a complete creep for some reason.

She smiled when she saw me; a bright, happy, genuine smile. I smiled back, speeding up at I walked over to the small table she sat at.

"Hey," she tugged at a piece of her long brown hair gently, twirling it between her thumb and forefinger. "How was your movie?" I nodded, sitting on the high stool opposite of her.

"Pretty good." I shrugged. "How was yours?" Emily chuckled, flipping her hair off off of her shoulder.

"Hilarious, one guy literally wanted to get kicked in the nuts." She laughed, remembering the obviously funny scene. I laughed with her, admiring her unbelievably flawless features. It was most definitely safe to say I was crushing on this girl--then again, who wouldn't be?

I watched as Emily spoke, telling me about her friends, family, her siblings--her eyes lighting up as she remembered beloved stories from her past. I wondered what it'd be like to be able to see her every day when I woke up, what it'd be like to take her out to dinner or meet my family.

"Emily," I said, not really meaning to,but it caught her attention. I didn't know what to say, though I knew exactly what I wanted to say. I wanted to ask her on a date, but we had only just met an hour or two before, and that amount of time was not spent together. "Uh, you're uh-I think- ugh." I let out a frustrated sigh, pressing my palm to my forehead.

"Shawn," she giggled. I looked up at her, my cheeks turning a deep shade of Crimson. "I'd love to go on a date with you." I smiled, relief washing over me like a tidal wave in the ocean.

"Cool...uh, here." I handed her my phone and she handed me her's,allowing each of us to put each other's information into the phones.

"Thanks."she got up from her chair, as did I, and just stood in front of me. "It was nice getting to know you, can't wait for our date." She smiled the same smile that made my heart skip a beat, and hugged me quickly. I hugged back, obviously.

"Neither can I," I chuckled. "See you soon Emily." She gave a little wave, and I headed out the door of the theater.

It was rather cold outside, more so because it was getting dark. The sky was a stunning combination of blues, pinks, and oranges, leaving me in utter awe. I always loved the sunsets, especially on clear, autumn nights.

I slowly made my way home, day dreaming about how my date with Emily would go. Perhaps I'd take her to a fancy restaurant, or maybe to the bowling alley. I shook my head, finding my ideas were far too cliche. I needed something simple, yet spectacular at the same time, and that's a hard combination to pull off.

I entered my house quietly, knowing that if I made too much noise, I'd disturb the peace that usually took place every sending at this time exactly.

"Hey Shawn," my sister, Aaliyah smiled as she walked by. "How was your movie?"

"So good," I sighed. Looking back at it, I probably had hearts in my eyes and swirling above my head. Aaliyah smirked, walking up to my side.

"Did Shawny meet a girl?" She giggled, and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Aw!" She squealed. "What's her name? Are you gonna take her out?"

"Emily," I sighed. "And yes."

"Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed. "I can't wait to meet her." I rolled my eyes, making my way past her and heading up to my room; where I usually spend my evenings, playing around with lyrics and instruments or relaxing and catching up on TV shows.

I plopped down onto my bed, grabbing my guitar and quietly strumming until I heard my phone ringing beside me. I reached over, grabbing my phone and looking at the screen, finding it light in up with Emily's name across it. I smiled slightly, accepting the call and placing the phone against my ear.

"Hello?" I answered, standing up and beginning to pace nervously around my bedroom.

"Hi Shawn." She said, a cheery tone in her voice.

"Hey," I was full on smiling now, my cheeks aching after getting about three minutes into the call. Our call had very quickly gone from three minutes of aching cheeks, to three hours of endless smiling and even shedding a few years together, both from the remembrance of different memories and laughing. I had only just met this girl, and we'd already had something incredible.

Hey guys!
So I wanna apologize for not updating this book in forever,
But i actually took a long break from wattpad in general a while back and am just now starting

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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