Chapter 1

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(Louis' POV)

I sat in the massive cream room, filled with a table and a few chairs. There were pictures on the wall of me and my best friends, awards and on the floor there were tons of scattered pieces of papers. 

You'd think that by year 3000 there would be hover chairs and robots that clean your house. Nope. Apparently they're 'scientifically impossible', whatever that means.

Zayn turned the radio on and sat back in his chair, running a hand through his jet black hair. Where Do Broken Hearts Go started playing. I'm proud of that song, it's one of our best. I don't think putting the radio on was the best idea, because now we need to beat this song to stay at the top. Who knew being in a band would be so stressful? 

I need inspiration! Zayn and Liam have it, them two being in love! I have no one! I'm a loner! Okay, not necessarily, but still. I've got no one. So most of the songs I write are based on past relationships. So break up songs. 

"That was Liam Payne,  Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson with USV's latest single, Where Do Broken Hearts Go! How could they possibly top that?" The radio host cheerily stated. Liam turned the radio off and groaned.

"He's right! How the hell can we make a song better than that?" He asked. "We've got a week to make a new song!"

"Li, calm down. We can do this. All we need to do is work together. Remember writing Half A Heart? That was a challenge, but it worked. Let's not stress about this." Zayn soothed. He's right. If we work together, we can write a better song.

"Yeah. Let's do something a bit different for us. We always change our sound, why not combine everything we've done to make something that sounds different but equally as good?" I suggested. If we figure out the sound of it, we could write something a bit faster. 

"Something different. That's a lot of help, Louis." Liam sarcastically laughed. At least I made him laugh, I suppose. "But I guess you're right, it'll keep the fans interested and keep us entertained."

"So, should it be a love song or an inspirational song?" Zayn asked. 

Me and my ex-boyfriend used to go clubbing and stay up all night all the time. This was before I met Zayn and Liam and the band formed. We'd always get into things we'd never forget. And then when we woke up the next whatever it was, we'd always want to do it again. Then we broke up. That was really sad. He broke up with me after I met Liam and Zayn. Said that I was cheating on him. I cried for ages, but Liam and Zayn were there for me. 

Liam and Zayn have been dating for three years. When the band first formed, Zayn came to me saying he had a crush on Liam. A month later, Liam came to me saying that he had a crush on Zayn. I told them straight and they started talking about it and then they started dating. I was really happy about that.

"Lou, any ideas?" Liam asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. 

"What?" I questioned. Honestly, I have a short attention span. It's not that I can't concentrate, it's because my mind takes me to other thoughts and I just miss half of the conversations.

"Any ideas on the song?" He chuckled. For some reason they find it funny when I zone out. Sometimes I hate them.

"Being hopelessly in love and causing mischief. Clubbing, partying, having fun and not giving  fuck about anything." I replied. The two younger guys just looked at me shocked. Did they think that I wouldn't have any ideas? "You two really do underestimate me. I do get ideas now and then."

"That's actually pretty good, Lou!" Zayn gaped. Liam just nodded. I picked up my pen and started writing, and Zayn turned on the radio again. Sometimes listening to music helps us write. No idea how, but it's nice. 

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