Chapter One - We're Partners

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Chapter One - We're Partners

Waking up at 7:00am every morning is a normal teenagers worst night mare, especially when it's just for school. Yes, notice how I said 'normal teenager', you will come to realise that I'm not that at all.

I don't skip classes, heck, I'm not even late to them. I don't go out to parties, hell, I'm not even invited to them. And I don't drink underage, geez, I don't even break the rules let alone the law.

It's not like I jump out of bed, 7:00am is still a bit early for me, so I drag my body out of the comfort of my double bed and I skip out of my room and down the corridor to the bathroom where I carry on with my morning rituals. My fingers tremble against the cold, smooth ledge of the vanity unit as I brush my teeth in a back and forth motion. I gently tug on the towel that is beside me and I purge my face from the excess water used to cleanse and refresh my skin.

I exit the bathroom after a voilent fist smashes against the wooden door. I look up to meet face with my older sister of one year who has gorgeous long legs, hair that is as soft as silk and a face that all the boys love.

"Take a picture, it will last longer" Tara snaps at me.

"I'd rather use my memory card for something better than your mug shot that you call a face" I shoot back.

I may be a 'good girl' as one may call me but I'm not a door mat, I don't let people walk all over me. Additionally, my mum says that although I don't have a tongue on me (figure of speech, meaning I don't talk back) I do have just that little bit of sass in me.

You may be asking yourself, what qualities do I posess to even qualify as a so called 'Good Girl', so lets learn a little bit about me.

I'm Alexandra Binks but people call me Alex, I've never missed a day off school, whether it being that I have the flu or just because I want to have the day off (which is never) I'm always at school. Being assigned home work or an assignment, I'm not going to lie, it isn't the best thing, I'd rather spend my night reading Harry Potter by J.K Rowling but home work is top priority so they are always done the night given.

Additionally, I've never really had a boy friend. The whole concept of touching kind of freaks me out. My sister has labelled me as 'fridget' but I haven't had much experience with guys. I can't even stand near them, not meaning that they actually want to stand near me. And also, the whole kissing thing creeps me out so that's why my sister enrolled me into health class, so I would become 'comfortable'.

Parties? I've never experienced a high school party nor do I think I ever want to. The whole concept of getting drunk and kissing people you've never spoken to is not my idea of a good night out. I'm not the smartest girl, not always straight A's. I've always managed to accomplish high B's along with A's but maybe it's the teachers way of telling me to push myself more. Never have I gotten a C, nothing below a low B and I want to keep it that way.

After I'm dressed and ready for school, I meet my sister at the bottom of the stairs. Grabbing my keys off the dresser and I'm out the door and in my car. The reason why I got my drivers license early is because Tara doesn't want to drive, she is worried she will break a nail which is impossible. So my parents worked their way around the law and managed to land me a license.

"Can you cover for me while I go to Crusty's this afternoon with Jake?" Tara asks me as she examines her nails, freshly painted cherry red.

"What ever" I just mumble, clenching my hand around the wheel.

As I turn into the school car park I observe the stereotypical groups we have at Penola Catholic College. You have the soccer players, who are highly absorbed in sport. You have the true ethnics (not meaning to offend), who only say "Yeah bro" and sound like they have their nose constantly blocked. You have the popular girls and guys, who mingle amongst each other, having no time for everyone else, fitting Tara in this category perfectly. You have the nerds, who are always in the library.

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