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When waiting to be accepted, please be patient! Do not PM us or tag us in any comments asking if you're accepted or not. This is annoying, for we are busy people. So please, be patient.

To join, simply fill out the form below in ONE COMMENT:

All the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are optional!


Age(Make sure it goes along with your species. Like, if you're a vampire, you'll have to make yourself around two millennia or something.):
Species(Hunter, wendigo, vampire, werewolf, etc.)
Powers(Only if you aren't a hunter.):
Any Other Info:

Ashton's OCs:

Name: Trinity Sloan
Nickname: None
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Species: Hunter
Looks/Style: Long light brown hair, dark green eyes, tan skin, tall, lean, and slightly muscular. She usually wears jeans, variety of different color t-shirts daily, variety of different color jackets, and black shoes.
Personality: Short-tempered, slightly rude, sarcastic, charming, introvert, helpful, funny, distant, and intelligent.
Weapon(s): A few shotguns, a couple hand guns, and lots of silver and iron knifes.
Powers: None.
*Sexuality: Straight.
*Crush: Parker Smith
Backstory: Became a hunter at age 13 when her mother and father were murdered by a demon. She's been hunting ever since.
Any Other Info: Rarely shows any emotion.

Name: Marisole Pandora
Nickname: Mar
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Species: Hunter
Looks/Style: Long blonde hair, sharp blue eyes, tan skin, tall, lean, and slightly muscular. She usually wears faded jeans, different colored shirts daily, different colored jackets daily, and white shoes.
Personality: Short-tempered, slightly rude, sarcastic, charming, introvert, helpful, funny, distant, and intelligent.
Weapon(s): A shotgun, a few handguns, and lots of silver knifes.
Powers: None.
*Sexuality: Straight.
*Crush: None.
Backstory: She became a hunter with her father at age 18 when her mother was killed by the yellow eyed demon. She has been a hunter ever since.
Any Other Info: Has trouble letting people in.

Name: Rhea
Nickname: None.
Gender: Female.
Age: ???
Species: Demon.
Looks/Style: Depends on the vessel. At the moment, has dark black hair, dark brown eyes, is tall, tan skin, lean, and slightly muscular. She usually wears jeans, faded t-shirts, a black jacket, and red converse.
Personality: Cold, collected, short-tempered, helpful, intelligent, and sarcastic.
Weapon(s): A knife that can kill angels and a knife that can kill demons(like Ruby's).
Powers: All the regular powers of a demon.
*Sexuality: Straight.
*Crush: Paul
Backstory: Rhea had helped the yellow eyed demon kill many people. She was sent to hell for her actions and was eventually turned into a demon.
Any Other Info: She remembers much of when she was human and isn't like other demons. She doesn't kill hunters. She helps them.

Alex's OCs:

Name: Parker Smith
Nickname: Park
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Hunter
Looks/Style: Light brown hair, eyes the color of melted chocolate, tan, lean, and slightly muscular. Usually wears jeans, converse, and faded t-shirts.
Personality: Loyal, brave, kind, intelligent, sarcastic, funny.
Weapon(s): A shotgun and a lot of iron and silver knives.
Powers: None
*Sexuality: Straight
*Crush: Trinity Sloan
*BF/GF: Open
Backstory: He's been a hunter his entire life. He can't really imagine being anything else.
Any Other Info:

Name: Paul
Nickname: None
Gender: Male
Age: ???
Species: Demon.
Looks/Style: It depends on the vessel. At the moment he has jet black hair, bright green eyes, is tall, and slightly muscular. He usually wears a faded t-shirt, jeans, converse, and a scarf.
Weapon(s): A knife that can kill demons (similar to Ruby's).
Powers: All the regulate demon powers.
*Sexuality: Straight
*Crush: Rhea
*BF/GF: Open
Backstory: Paul made a deal with a crossroad demon many years ago. He was taken to hell and eventually became
Any Other Info: He is not completely evil. He still retains and remembers some of his humanity.

Once you have been accepted, you may begin roleplaying.

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