After death, fear simulation. Declaration of love.

Începe de la început

Then other fears appeared: (list of your fears).
As soon as they appeared you confronted them. Some of them would end badly. Some were controlled. By the end of it you were exhausted.

Your legs failed to support your weight and you fell from exhaustion.
Your eyes were still open. Your body was having a rest but that doesn't mean your mind was.

Isabella entered closely followed by Steve.
She was wearing her proud, smug smile while Steve... Steve was...

Steve was... No he can't be.. But he is? Steve looked worried.

He rushed to your side and held your body in his arms. You curled up into a small ball.

"Ask for the blue room. That's the closest we've got for her. I'll anylise the results. She was successful, I don't think we will need you to come back. Go."

Steve was about to walk out of the room when you heard a mumble.
Steve must have heard it to because he asked "Excuse me?"
"We put a chip in her head. Try to remove it, she dies. Try to excape, I activate it, she dies. Try something fishy, she dies. And we wouldn't want that would we?"

Steve gulped. He obviously didn't like to be controlled but she wasn't giving him much of a choice.

As he walked out of the round black room, you closed your eyes. Saying that you were exhausted was an understatement. You probably couldn't stand even if your life was on the line.

You slowly drifted into sleep. Your brain also must have been exhausted because you slept a dreamless night.

When you woke, you were still tired but at least you had rested. There was Steve who was sleeping to your right. He was sleeping on a chair, leaving you the only hospital bed.

You wiped the sleep out of your eyes, slipped on your shoes.
'If you try anything fishy, she dies.' You remembered Isabella's warning.

No leaving, then. You sighed.

You looked around. It looked like a lab. You scanned the room until you found a interesting object. It had a screen who imitated light. There was button's on a section apart. With all the letters of the alphabet.

Here's a challenge.
You grabbed the nearest chair. Sitting on it, you examined the screen. To the side of the screen was a small object that looked like a mouse. It had a tail and a oval chapped body. There were no legs, just to parts at the front where the head should be.

Strange. You grabbed it, moved it and started clicking.
Within minutes, thanks to your imagination and your capacity to retain information, you managed to make a computer work.

Or at least you believed that was what it was called. A smile smeared across your face as you entered the dealer fials while thinking: Isabella made a terrible error putting me near this machine.

You had read through most of the fials when Steve began to stir.
Eyes wide, you his beneath the counter.

There was a yawn and the sound of skin against skin. You pressed your hand on the floor and strained your ears.

The soldiers. Steve Rogers/Captain America x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum