Chapter 1 : 7 Months Later

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They Mouth Drop , I Got Up and Wobble Away, Then I Felt Around My Waist.

Chresanto- Kayla, What Are You Talking About ?

Kayla- Dont Play Stupid , Yall Came In My House and Killed My Mom and Then You Rape Me , It Happened 7 Months Ago.

? - Yeah , She Knows Just Drop It .

Chresanto- Well Prince, Prod and Ray we uh...

Kayla- Get Your Hands Off Me.

He Let Me Go

Chresanto- Kayla , Come Back.

Kayla- Leave Me Alone.

I Walk Away , I Dont Wanna See Them At All, I Might As Well Stay In My Condo Forever , But I Cant . Shit.

So As I Walk In The Mall, I See The Baby Store, I Go In There and Look Around . I See And Pick Out A Bunch Of Girl Clothes , Aww Too Cute. I Been In The Mall For Almost 2 hours..... I Was Done For Today She Will Be Good Until She Come Out. I Leave The Mall and Walk Back Through The Park , I See Them again , But Its The Whole Gang , Someone Run Up To Me and Grab The Bags From My Hands.

Kayla- Give Them Back .

Chresanto- No.... Talk To Me.

Kayla- Whats To Talk About ? Im Having YOUR Baby and You Rape Me and Killed My Mom. Now YOUR Baby Wont Have An Grandmother.

Chresanto - I Dont Wanna Talk About It Out Here , Lets Keep Walking .

Kayla- Fineee .

I Sighed and Kept Walking, As We Got Farther Away From The Park I Ask Him An Question.

Kayla- Why Did You Kill My Mom.

Chresanto- We Was Hired To Do.

Kayla- Who ?

Chresanto - Cant Say , If I Do .... You Will Be Killed Too.

Kayla- wow, I Didnt Know What To Say .

Chresanto- I Didnt Even Wanna Do It , But I Didnt Want Me and The Boys To Be Killed Neither.

Kayla- WOW.

I Looked Down, He Pulled Me To Him, As We Walking .

Chresanto - Look , If You Ever Need Anything , Call Me .

He Gave Me His Number And Continued Walking Down the street. As He Holding Me , It Look Like We a Happy Couple, Hell NA ! He Walk Me All The Way To My Condo Was Only 3 blocks From The Park.

Chresanto- Well This Is it.

Kayla- Do You Wanna Come In ?

He Nodded and Came In.

Chresanto - Nice Place.

Kayla- Thanks.

Chresanto- So Where Can I Put The Bags.

Kayla- Uhh Over There In The Corner.

He Walk Over There And Place Them In The Corner.

Kayla- Thanks.

He Walk To Me and Pull Me Into Him.

Chresanto - No Problem, my baby momma.

Kayla- Na, You Have To Earn That Title.

Chresanto- awww , forreal

He Doing an Puppy Dog Face , Makes Me Laughs.

Kayla- Yeah.

Chresanto- Well, When Your Next Appointment?

Kayla- Two Days.

Chresanto- Can I Come?

Kayla- Sure, Im Not Gonna Stop The Father Of My..

He Gave Me An Look.

Kayla- I Meant Our Baby Being In Her Life.

Chresanto- Well , Okay . I Gotta Go.

Kayla- Okay .

He Kiss My Forehead, He Taller Than Me , He Like 5'8".

Chresanto- Bye.

Kayla- Bye.

He Left , I Was Nervous When He Pulled Me To Him. I Had Butterflies and All. I Shooked That Feeling Off , I Change My Clothes and All , I Hung Up My Baby Clothes and Layed In The Bed and Watch TV , Then I Got An Text .... It Was From Chresanto

Chresanto : Goodnight Beautiful , Remember If You Need Anything Im Here.

I Laughed and Put It Away , Im Gonna Need Help With Raising The Baby But I Dont Wanna Relationship With My Raper , I Cant Believe We Found Each Other. I Layed There Until I Fell Asleep.

My Rapist Found MeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat