What You Need

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Nickis POV

"Just slide in 'cause you safe nigga third base" Abel seemed kinda out of it so I gave him a nudge as soon as I said my last line. He was nervous and it was obvious but it was cute.

"I only call you when it's half past five"
He sounds like an angel.

We made eye contact for a while as he twirled me around and we flirted. He had some nerve to flirt with me like that. This man. Finally I broke the eye contact and stared into the crowd. They all looked so lovely tonight. I wish I could hug each and everyone of them. Especially the short girl in the second row wearing a Pinkprint shirt and curly hair pulled into a bun with bright pink lips. She was bawling as she cupped her hands over her face. Aww.

"Make some noise New York!!!" I shouted, catching Abel's attention. He seemed distracted the entire show, and sweating which made me laugh a little. I looked at him for a split second and caught his smile as he put his arm around me and we both looked off at the crowd. I winked at the girl in the second row, causing her to burst back into tears smiling ear to ear.

Someone walked ontstage as we walked off and I could hear Abel breathing behind me. We hugged and congratulated each other and thanked each other and all that and walked into a room backstage. He closed the door behind us as I grabbed a water and my makeup artist with long curly hair followed.
"Nicki you were amazing!"

"Thank you," I gave her a kiss and we looked at Abel.

"You too, Mr. Weeknd" she said as she smiled and I winked at him.

I threw him a water.

"You ok there champ?" I said giggling as he opened the water and took large sips.

"You seemed hella nervous. But you sounded heavenly. And those were some pretty sick moves." I joked.

He blushed.

"You're cute you know that?" I broke the silence, giggling a little.

"I get that a lot"

"Oh shut up!" I teased, smacking his arm.

We locked eyes as we smiled and out of no where the door creeped open and a cameraman slid in.

We both looked at the cameraman. He's not supposed to do that...but ok.

"Why are you here?" Abel said with a pissed off look on his face.

The cameraman slid back out of the door, leaving it open. Abel mumbled something under his breath and flicked off the camera guy as he closed the door and locked it.

"What was that about?" I asked.
"I have no idea." I answered, sitting next to him.

We relaxed again and cracked jokes as we listened to music and scrolled through our mentions on Twitter, giggling and showing eachother the things that the fans tweet. I love my babies so much. Really they make my day.

I caught him staring at me again. He didn't seem nervous around me when we chilled like a lot of other people did. He also didnt stare at my butt, which, I don't mind, but, still. Something about him made me want to be around him. Maybe the fact he made me feel like a queen onstage. Whatever it was, I liked it.

Our moment was interrupted by his phone ringing at full volume.

"Who's that?" I asked. Kind of snooping. I probably shouldn't have done that, but I was curious. He clicked the power button to silence his phone. I could barely read the name on the phone.

"ummm it's just Bella. She can wait. She's been calling me all day,"

"No. Answer it, that's your girl."

He slid the phone to answer it and his smile quickly went to a more bored look.

"Yes. Yes...No. Bella stop. Yes I will text you as soon as I get home. I won't drink. Love you too. Goodbye."

"I said answer your girl, not your mom." I joked.

He smiled and shook his head and pushed his giant hair back, to let it flop back in its place.
He sat back down next to me as I played with his hair. It fascinated me really. Let me just tell you now, the hair is much different in person.

Abels POV
"Ill see you at the party tonight, right?" I Asked her.
I wasn't even trying to play it cool. Something about her made me relax and have fun, and flirt with her. I wanted to make her feel like a queen or a princess. Everytime I was around her I wanted her to feel like royalty. But at the same time, it felt like she was my bestfriend.

"Yep. I'll be there at 11 pm. I'll see you?"

"You bet."

We hugged.

"You really did great tonight Abel, I don't know why you were so nervous."

"Thank you. I couldn't have asked for a better person to perform with, really. It's an honor to work with you." She was such a legend. I never in my entire career thought I'd come far enough to work with her. And now we were flirting backstage and performing together.

I wondered a question I think we were both asking ourselves.

What am I getting myself into?

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