Chapter 2

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***Hey long wait for and update but here it is and I hope you enjoy so far I'm just writing I still haven't came up with the plot lol but it's gonna be good.***


I quickly walked up the large staircase and made my down the hall to my bedroom. I pushed my door open to reveal my room almost completely empty. My bed frame was gone leaving just my matresses on the floor. I rolled my eyes and kicked off my shoes completely fed up with all this bull that my daddy's job had me going through.My vanity was taken down and in pieces of the floor. "Excuse me?" I scoffed as more of the workers walked in taking more of my furniture away. "Can I have some privacy this is my house!" I said watching the workers furiously. "Sorry miss but your father strictly told us to have everything out buy tonight." One of the workers explained. I huffed and brushed pass them making my way back down the stairs to find my dad. "Daddy!" I yelled. I made my way to my dad's office knowing that he was in there. "Yes sweetheart." He said not even bothering to look up from his computer. "I don't want to go to Louisiana,I refuse." I said calmly. He sighed. "Sweetheart-." "I can get my own place and stay here please don't make me go there." I said cutting him off. He stared back at me with with wide eyes before chuckling. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Jem, you're 17-years old." He said folding his arms. "So... I'll be eighteen in a few months." "You can't make me go there!" I was ready to throw a fit "All of this is stupid I'd rather die than to go live with a bunch hoodlums." I spat. "Jem! That is your family, your mother's family they care about you so you can cut the stuck up attitude and pack your things your plane is leaving first thing in the morning." He said calmly going back to whatever he was doing. I sped walked back to my room before I had a mental breakdown because I hated my family in Louisiana with a passion.

Flashback- Louisiana a year before jem's mother died.

"Lana what's wrong wit cho child why she ain't playin' wit her cousins?" My great aunt Meme asked. I frowned over hearing her talk to my mom about me as I sat down in the shade trying my best to stay away from the hot sun. My mama turned to look at me and smiled. "She's just shy that's all." My mom shrugged. "Mm." My aunt said simply glaring at me and I have her the same stank face back. "Yea well I don't think so you better do something with her now before that child get even more spoil than she already is." My mom frowned. "She's only eight and her cousin's are a little older she probably feels out her element." My mom defended me once again. "Mhm." Aunt Meme said once again. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms I just wanted to get out of this whole and go back to Georgia. I stood up quickly causing the chair to scoot back and mom and Aunt meme to look back at me as I stormed toward the house fed up with Aunt Meme and her bull. "Its probably that white folk in her you know they crazy, I don't see how you do girl." My Aunt laughed out loud. My mom was then chasing after me she knew i didn't like it here.

Hope you enjoy so far just a lil something to get this started. Sorry if there was mistakes.

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