Chapter 1

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This chapter is starts with what I imagine will happen in episode 8, it will go on for quite some really ;)

Rey's P.O.V.

We just stood there, the lightsaber stretched in front of me, Luke a couple of meters further. I could feel the sadness and emptiness in him. After a long moment, he moved. I stood still in front of me, and slowly got the lightsaber. He took it, carefully examined it, but then he gave it back to me. I was stunned. "Come with me" he said in a calm, silent voice. We walked down the way I came up, and when we reached the Falcon, he went straight to R2. 

Two weeks later I was training. The lightsaber always in my hand. We were now sparring. He had taught me many things, but mostly I trained. There were plenty of animals to practice on. But today felt different, my feelings told me right however. The evening started rather normal, but when we finished dinner, Luke started talking, but with a different tone, "You are strong with the force young jedi, I can teach you no more. You must leave and help the others. Your training is finished, you are going home tomorrow." The words crushed me, but I couldn't say a thing before he continued, "You must do what feels right, but to the better. Help others and don't go the dark side. Please whatever you do, don't go the dark side." He was finished with that. 

But all of a sudden my mind was full. Not with the fact that I would leave my master, but with something else. I thought about Kylo, he went to the dark side. "Master Luke?" I asked, "What happened to Ben Solo?" Luke was silent for some time, but finally answered my question, "Ben, he was a powerful youngling, always feeling sympathy for everyone. The enemy made use of that. Snoke was his name, I am not sure who are what he is, but he got into Ben's head. Pleaded him to help him, saying he couldn't do it all alone, that he could train him to bring order to the galaxy, that his grand father wanted him to do this. Then he was gone." I was silenced, but my question was burning, "When we fought ... and ... and he was ... dying. He .... he said that I had to ... take him". Luke's eyes started shining, but only for a split second. "He ... he ... was just ... trying to get you in his ... power." With this the conversation was over.

The next day the Falcon arrived, I had no idea how Chewie had managed to steer that thing alone, but he had done it. I went aboard and Luke said one last thing to me, "Do what is right" and with that I left.

Kylo's P.O.V.

Supreme leader Snoke, I almost feared him now. Threats came very day. I was too weak. I had to do more. I had to kill Rey. I had to kill her friends. Only then would I be strong enough. Only then would my training be completed. And I shouldn't fail either. Failure would be my end. Huh was just enjoying it, the stupid man. I tried everything to forget about the light. Everything! But I just couldn't. There was always a spark, and supreme leader always knew it, felt it.

The days for my tasks were about to come. I had to do this. Only then would I be able to complete what my grand father started.

There was a new weapon. Different this time. It was nothing like the death star or Starkiller base, it was worse. That was good. The weapon let people suffer, then let them die. It would slowly burn the planet, frying those on it, and eventually the planet itself. I found this weapon stupid. Every weapon we make was and will be destroyed. We have to outwit the resistance, not make some giant weapon that they can get so easily. 

The map to get to Skywalker was never to be found. But Snoke still wanted me to find it, do whatever it takes. My tasks were many: kill Skywalker, kill Rey's friends, than her, destroy the resistance. This was all I had to do to completely go into the dark side. I wouldn't go alone. The knights of Ren would help me, their master. 

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