The Ton Will Talk

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"What happened? Didn't the Lord find Pandora attractive?"

"He apparently did until..." Cynthia stopped when she saw the pleading look on Pandora's face.

Their mother searched Pandora's face. "Until what? Pandora what did you do now?"

"Mother, it wasn't exactly Pandora's fault. You see, Lord Royce stole a kiss from her."

"What?" Lady Freestone fell against her older daughter. Cynthia placed a firm grip around her and brought her to the settee. "Tell me what happened."

"Pandora had met up with Lord Royce and he acted most ungentlemanly. He led Pandora to believe that he was unaccompanied, and led her on."

"Pandora, how could you let this happen? You don't even like Lord Royce. Honestly, girl, I don't understand you at all."

"I was a bit unsettled about the news of my arranged marriage to Lord Warwick. I escaped when the carriage jolted. I unexpectedly came across Lord Royce. He acted like he was my friend, like he cared about me. I let him kiss me."

"And Lord Warwick saw it," Cynthia added.

"At least Lord Warwick is a gentleman. I don't think we have to worry about gossip." Lady Freestone caught the grim look on Cynthia's face. "There's something else, isn't there?" She anchored her hand on her chest. She rang a bell and Carrington entered." Carrington, please bring us some brandy." He bowed, and within five minutes, was back with a gold tray laden with a sifter of brandy. "Thank you, Carrington, I'll pour." Lady Freestone poured herself a generous helping of brandy. After she swallowed, she said, "Now, you can tell me what happened."

Cynthia plunged in. "Mother, Lord Royce was with Miss Theodora Powell."

Lady Freestone fanned herself with her hand. "But couldn't Lord Warwick have shown some understanding?"

"He did at first, Mother. I thought I could salvage the situation, but...."

Lady Freestone turned horrified eyes onto her youngest daughter. "Pandora, what did you do?"

"I didn't mean to do anything, Mother, it's just that I don't love Lord Warwick."

"Don't tell me you love Lord Royce? No dragon could have spouted any more fire than you when you met him,Pandora."

"I hate Lord Royce; he is a rake of the first order."

"Why did it have to be Theodora Powell? She is the biggest gossipmonger in the ton. Our name is ruined. I fear Pandora will never marry now." Tears spilled out of Lady Freestone's eyes.

Pandora sat beside her mother. "I am so sorry. I wish I could take everything back."

Her mother smiled weakly at her daughter. "Pandora, don't worry, things have a way of working out."

Pandora threw her arms around her mother. "Mother, I know about your situation."

"You told her Cynthia?"

"I had to, Mother. It was the only way I could get her to see that she has to think of others, not only herself."

"You're right, Cynthia. It's time for me to consider the feelings of others. I will dedicate myself to the pursuit of catching a husband."

"Then you'll forget about the rose show?"

"After the rose show, Mother."

"Pandora, you are hopeless. Don't you realize that men don't care about you and the rose you developed?"

"Mother, it's not only my rose I'm thinking about. There is a prize, a cash prize that I can give to you if I win and I think I have a very good chance of winning."

"I don't know, Pandora, it might work against you in the long run."

"Mother, please let me remain in the show. It's my way of giving back to you. I don't want to be a burden on you. I didn't know about all you were going through. "

"But what if you don't win? Some men might view your developing a rose as unsuitable for a woman."

"I will win, I just know it. I developed an exquisitely beautiful rose."

"Cynthia, what do you think?"

"I think it would be better if Pandora didn't display her own rose, but perhaps a more traditional kind of rose. That's what all the other ladies will be doing."

"So do I," Lady Freestone agreed. "Don't forget, all of the ton will be there, and with all that's happened we don't want to look too unconventional." She looked at a teary Pandora.

"Mother, please let me do this for you. I've made a terrible mess of things."

"Does anyone know who the judge will be?" Lady Freestone inquired.

"Last year it was Lord Keane."

"Who knows? Perhaps a man will be open to Pandora's charms, as long as she keeps her mouth shut."

"Then you will let me do it, Mother?"

"I hardly see how I can stop you. You do whatever you want, anyway."

"Mother, if I win the money, it will buy us some time."


"We won't have to move in with Cynthia."

"Pandora, it's not a fate worse than death. Lord Vincent has been very kind to us."

"We don't want to be a burden on the Lord, Mother. If I win the money, it will give me some more time to find a husband."

Lady Freestone threw up her hands. "Pandora, you are going to do whatever you want anyway."

Pandora hugged her mother. "You won't be disappointed, Mother, I'm going to win."

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