Chapter 4: Sero/Late

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They used to be the things that went bump in the night.

Werewolves and vampires, the guardians of death that would lurk in the shadows and “eat” those who were undeserving. Now they were the ones who were afraid to go out at night. They were the ones who had to watch their backs.

Rachel couldn’t believe all the horrible things that had befallen them in such a short time. Too many werewolves had died at the hands of some merciless creature, making her wonder if this was ever going to truly end. Forty-one males would never know their mates or have children. Forty-one families were grieving over the loss of a loved one. And now her own friend had been attacked. The death toll might as well be forty-two now because staring into Kat’s eyes she saw that a part of her friend had died at that park.

Kat had always had a spark to her that Rachel admired. There was always that willingness to take on a new challenge or go on an adventure. Now she seemed almost empty without it.

Determination wasn’t a quality that had left her friend though, as she had survived being raped and was still strong enough to face her friends and pull herself together. Kat had even gone upstairs by herself to take a shower and rest despite her guard’s loud protests.

She left them all alone downstairs so they could process what had just happened.  None of them had ever thought something like this was possible, especially to the one person who had guards and spells looking out for her twenty-four seven. The protection spell around the house apparently didn’t do much in terms of actually keeping out intruders but Rachel wasn’t about to leave Kat alone and it seemed neither were her guards. Maddox, Jax, and Fox were all still sitting in the living room with her, but Rachel knew they were on high alert in case whatever had hurt Kat decided to come back.

At this moment everything seemed hopeless. Her friend was broken and no light at the end of the tunnel had appeared promising respite from the new terrors of the night. Whoever was doing this had caused irreparable damage to all of them.

In these dark times the one thing Rachel was thankful for was that none of the casualties had been children. The victims were at least all over eighteen and had gotten to live some of their lives.

It made her feel guilty for not living her own life like each day was her last. She was even doing the opposite. She knew who could make her life better - make her life complete, and she wasn’t reaching out and taking him. Demanding that he acknowledge her.

Finding ones mate was supposed to be the best thing that could happen to a wolf but her experience had been anything but. Glancing over to where Fox sat she tried not to stare at him for too long. He was the most handsome man she had ever met and she often found it difficult to tear her gaze away.

Of course she was completely biased since he was her mate.

Even though he had brutally rejected her when they had first met she couldn’t deny his looks.

The usual sharp pain in her heart had her closing her eyes like it always did whenever she thought about what she was missing out on. What Fox was keeping her from having.

Rachel didn’t know whether to be devastated or angry at him every time she thought about how he kept her at arm’s length. She seemed to be the only female who he didn’t welcome with open arms if the rumors were to be believed.

At the time they had first met she had done what had been needed to protect herself.

Which is why a year ago she told Kat she had slept with another man. Knowing that Fox would overhear she told her best friend all about her one night stand with the most handsome man she had ever seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2013 ⏰

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