First Part Of Project (FAILED)

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[Next Day Elizabeth POV]

Today is the day little Samantha learns what being a true lady is. This just might be a hard project but I'm Elizabeth Evans well ill be Evans soon. No one can beat me.

Elizabeth: after noon sleepy head

Sam: hey (sits on couch and turns on TV)

Elizabeth: your friend left early this morning said he going to chill with a Lewis

Sam: I gotta go

Elizabeth: no your transformation start today

Sam: Nahh I'm not doing no transformation you must not have heard me last night

Elizabeth: i did but then again you are doing the transformation

Sam: somebody must have told you wrong replacement

Elizabeth: part one wake up at 7

Sam: sweety listen carefully cuz this my last time saying it I'm not doing a transformation

Elizabeth: your dad is at work andbim in charge

Sam: of yo kids

Mat: hey

Sam: thank you ma. Mat your back

Mat: for a little while

Sam: take me with you

Mat: I'm just here to ask dad for something

Sam: he not here

Mat: ill come back later (leaves)

Sam: really

Elizabeth: shall we begin

Sam: (sits in couch) do what you want just don't touch me

Elizabeth: great

No need to touch her. Ill just throw all her belongings away. But ill replace them with stuff Chanel would wear.

Sam: (goes to family room)

Elizabeth: Chanel Jake lets start this. Jake trash bag over there (points toward kitchen) every thing you can wear Chanel me and you shopping. She agreed to it.

Chanel: ok (grabs car keys)

Elizabeth: get my purse from upstairs please (goes to car)

Jake: Chanel lets not do this

Chanel: why not

Jake: I like Sam the way she is. You know we actually played fight. I haven't done that since dad

Chanel: listen Jake she needs to be like me

Jake: no I like her how she is. If she turns like you ill have anither loser sister. All my friends will keep making fun of me. Every guy I know with a sister has friends just for his hot sister I want one of those friends.

Chanel: Jake do as mom says or I.will tell her you are being disobedient

Jake: fine. But I hate the fact I'm doing this (runs to Chanel room)

Chanel finally makes it to the car. We have a great time shopping. Too bad Chanel keeps complaing about when will she be allowed to date. Anyway we get back to the house Jake and Sam are sitting on the couch with a garbage bag full of what seem like clothes.

Sam: really my stuff

Jake: she caught me

Elizabeth: well we bought you new stuff

Sam: what are you gonna do with my old stuff

Elizabeth: set it in fire

Sam: you bet not

Elizabeth: goes upstairs to get a lighter

Jake: Chanel stop her

Chanel: (pushes Jake) shut up I can't stand you

Elizabeth: here we go (light clothes in fire)

Sam: row looks like almost everything is burned

Chanel: why are you so calm

Jake: (laughs) please tell them

Elizabeth: tell us what

Jake: (laughs)

John: what the hell is burning

Sam: Elizabeth set her and Channels clothes on fire. But they bought more

Jake&Sam: (laughs)

Elizabeth: Chanel go get the fire extinguisher

Chanel: (gets it then puts out fire)

Sam: did you really think I was going to met you set my clothes in fire (gives Jake a high five) thanks little bro

Jake: no problem big sis

True Mindless Love (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن