A word or two from good ol' Charlie

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- in a word,

My dream was out; my wild fancy was surpassed by sober reality;

no objections

to your great expectations

this time

My heart was beating so fast, and there was such a singing in my ears

I should think you are to understand

that you re-

main a profound secret, until I am


When or where that

may be I cannot say; no one can say.

you are an allusion


If you have a suspicion keep that suspicion in your own breast.

the reasons may be the strongest

and gravest, or they may be a mere whim.




I am not otherwise responsible.

if you have any objection this is the time to mention it. Speak out.

note: This poem is part of the July 2013 Writing Challenge. Writing prompt for this poem was to cross out words from a book (don't worry, no books were harmed for this project!) to create a poem out of the uncrossed words. I used a page from Charles Dickens' Great Expectations for this poem.

Check out the link to see a visual image of this poem: http://fancifulimagination.tumblr.com/post/54690914930/dont-worry-book-lovers-no-books-were-harmed-in

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2013 ⏰

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