the test

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Some the 2rd DEATH STAR blow up have i just been clean up the reck from the DEATH STAR and trying to join the 501st again but it is harder to join because u got to do tests and when i was doing my tests i got spotted for the bounty hunter test and u have been waiting for this GARY i got in:-).New armer nee huns new everything but then i got the news that my best friend boba died but i got a ship like his and named it the SLAVE 1. I got all of my bountys in that ship intil it got shot down by naboo starfighters.i crash landed on naboo outside of the graveyard and i went in there and looked around snd there was one grave i had to shot at JAR JAR BINKS i put a therma l deternater over his gravef and it went sky high.

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