Ross:(thinks) (looks into her eyes) fine I went to do something for a friend (lies)

Laura:well Ross next time just tell me okay?

Ross:(nods) okay I promise  and I'm sorry

Laura:it's okay just no more secrets okay?
(Kisses his cheek)
End of Flashback

Ross:okay come on let's go I smell breakfast

Laura:(giggles) let's go I'm hungry too

They go downstairs

Laura:hey sis


Laura:how was your night with Riker?

Vanessa:good why?

They are all the table eating breakfast

Laura:just asking. So what are you doing today?

Vanessa:nothing gonna go to film then go to hang with my boyfriend !



Ross:So what do you wanna do?

Laura:I don't know..( smiles)

Ross:(smiles) how about we go watch a movie in my room!


They go upstairs

--in Rikers room--


Vanessa:hey we need to talk

Riker:okay ?

Vanessa:I just got an offer to go to Arizona to film for a movie for 3 months

Riker:wow baby I'm so proud of you !

Vanessa:yeah but if I take the offer then we won't be able to be together (tears up)

Riker:hey look at me (lift her chin up) we are gonna make this work okay? No crying your too beautiful to cry

Vanessa:how? (Doesn't look at him) we are gonna be apart for three whole months ! And then next thing you know your gonna find some other girl!

Riker:hey I won't find any other girl she won't mean a thing to me you'll always be in my heart I love you no Matter what

Vanessa:I love you too!

Riker:good now can you please look at me?

Vanessa:(look up at him)

Riker:There's the beautiful face I've been looking for

Vanessa:Awwe (blushes) 😳

Riker:(look at her eyes and leans in to kiss her)

Vanessa:(looks in his eyes and leans to kiss him)


Riker:I love you beautiful

Vanessa:I love you too and I promise that I'll never forget you!

Riker same here baby

3 months later....

Cassy:Riker !

Riker:hey gorgeous

Cassy:I missed you!

Riker:I missed you more


Riker:(pull away) I got you these flowers

Cassy:Thank you!

With Raura

Ross&Laura:(making out on Ross' bed)

Laura:(pulls away)

Ross:hey why did you do that!?

Laura:you really wanna makeout with me instead of watching your favorite movie?

Ross:your right (puts in "Romeo & Juliet")

Ross&Laura:(watch the movie together)

With Rocky and Rebecca

Rocky&Rebecca:(on a date)

Rebecca:(laughing at what rocky told her a joke ) your cute and funny


Rebecca:I love you

Rocky:I love you more


With Lilli and Ryland

Lilli&Ryland:(At the mall walking hand in hand)

Lilli:I love you so much)

Ryland:Me too! (Kisses her cheek)


A/N: hey here's the chapter sorry it took long to update anyway I'm gonna beeping shoutout for now on and if you suggest an idea i will give you all credit of corse I love you all now here are the shout outs


These "people" are special and creative and the bestest people I have ever met I love them and I am very great full and thankful that I have them as friends! So if your reading this go read their books they are AMAZING and YOU ALL ARE MY INSPIRATION !! If you want me to put you in this story then COMMENT AND VOTE and and.... Tell me who you want your name to be and who you want to date for the story some options

Sabrina Carpenter and Bradley Steven Perry

The vamps

Anyway I'm also gonna start doing question of the week
So here's the first one:

Which Episode was your favorite,why and comment the season and episode (name of episode)

Happy Friday!


Love is always there (A Raura /Rinessa/Rydelington stroy)Where stories live. Discover now