my life in the starting of youtube

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‹chapter 1› A/n i hope you like *p.s. your YouTube name is crystalloveslove *

Your p.o.v
I started YouTube a week ago. I'm so happy I have 100 subscribers already. I live in Canada and I started YouTube because of the Graser10 I am a big fan. He is the one that makes me happy. He is the one who gave me a smile. He stopped me going into depression.
I started a series of Minecraft UHC, they would be the practice of my PVP skills. I got on Twitter and tweeted out that "i am going out to the joint hope to see graser!!!!!"
And then there was so many retweets and likes that i had to just leave it alone.
I went jogging to the joint and ordered the usual and waited i check Twitter again i see a tweet out to me from graser i was fan girling when I see what he said
'Hey @Crysatlloveslove see you soon ;) ☆♥'
i look around but don't see him :(
So i just wait and look through Twitter and was zoned out when someone said something " hi Crystalloveslove"
"Hey " i said looking at my phone "hey i thought you hope to see me" the person laughed then in that second I knew it was graser i looked up and said "OMG WFT it's THE Graser10 here at the joint!!!!" I was so happy "hey well you know me then what is your name?" I said "my name is crystal?" *omg (y/n) why did i lie!!!!* " why did you say it like question ? "
" oh i am just nervous" "well in that case crystal don't worry about me just think I'm just a normal person" "o-oh ok" I was so nervous I try to stay calm then he asked " can I go to your house? " " uh sure if you want ... So now or after you eat??" I said smiling " now if it is ok with you" I smiled " alright let's go then"

=--= le time skipped=--=

We got home and I showed Graser around except my room that had all of my things to record. " so you want to watch a movie? " I asked " yeah sure " so I got on Netflix and let him choice the movie and of course it as star wars then I said to him "this is only Netflix NOT Netflix and chill got that" then he laughed "Of course it is not Netflix and chill it just Netflix" I laughed to for what I said

=--=after movie=--=
" Graser?" "Yeah crystal?" " don't you have to record? For tomorrow? " Omg I forgot I have a UHC tomorrow!!! And we need one more person!!" " really??!?! Can I join please I really good at PvP" "well it's not up to me I would need to ask the others" "can you please tell them please" " well..." Oh on what if they say no I still have a chance "well what?" " well you have to prove yourself" " ok follow me" I went to my room and logged into Minecraft and went to a 1v1 PvP battle with Huahwi because he is online. And I won the game and smiled at Graser then he said "ok you are really good..." He was surprised I could tell "so is that enough proof?" I waited for the answer " uh yeah see you tomorrow...and we have teams ok? " "already so see you tomorrow bye:)" I smiled "b-bye"



So I hope you liked first chapter see you in the next one bye my STARS :)HAVE A GOOD DAY :)

OK fine byeeee:)

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