Texas part 1

42 3 17

  Sarah POV

           "Ok guys, guess what?" My mom says to us. Darby, Mack, Ashlyn, and I are all sitting around my kitchen table with Darby, Mack, and Ashlyn's parents, along with mine. Our sibling are here also.Ashlyn is our new best friend. After Bethany moved to New York, and Talyn died, there was a new girl at our school, Ashlyn. We talked to her, and became really close. She knows our secret.
        " So, we have all been talking," she says, gesturing to our parents. " And, we though, it would be a good idea, to move to Texas!" My mom says.
     " What!?!?" Mack yells.
         "Cool!" Darby says.
      " Yes! Texas is awesome!" I say.
      " yes! I love Texas!" Ashlyn says.
     " Wait... You are all just okay with this? We can't! What about our life here?" Mack says.
      " You will love it there! We bought a large ranch with 200 acres, and we are all going to build our own houses on the land! We can have cows, chickens, horses, pigs, and even more dogs! You will all love it! We checked and you will be going to a great high school." Marks mom says cheerfully.
      " YES! I want horses so bad!" I say.
        " We can't just start 11th grade at a new high school! I want to stay here!" Mack says.
     " It is summer now, it is fine! A lot of new people come into new schools during the school year!" Her mom says.
     " What about my horses that we have at our weekend place? We are bringing them, right?" Darby says.
        " Yes. They are in their way now, actually. Two guys just picked them up and are on their way to Texas!" Darby's mom says.
      " Well, y'all better be gettin packed! We here will be leavin at sunrise in two days," Ashlyn's dad says in a deep southern accent.
     " Dad! That is not how they talk! Remember, aunt Jenny is from Texas, and they never talk like that," Ashlyn says.
      Everyone laughs, except Mack." I just don't know about this," she says.
        " Sweetie, it will be ok. It will just take some time to get used to." Mack's dad says.
     Mack sighs." Ok, I will give it a shot,"
      " Now, all of you start packing your things. We all have a lot of boxes. Sarah, some boxes are in your room." My dad says.
      I nod and I go to my room, with my friends following me.
       They help me pack all of my clothes, while talking how fun Texas was going to be. Mack stayed quiet most of the time though. After we finish my clothes we move on to my small statues of elephants, lamps, and other small things that I have.
     After we are done with my room, we bring all the boxes down and we drive to Darby's house. We pack all of her stuff and load it in my car. We then went next door and Ashlyn packed and we put the boxes in my car.
       We went to take a break at the Pizza Hut down the road. We ordered a large cheese pizza with bread sticks and sat down next to a window.
           We talked and decided that we should make a list of animals we want, and how many, along with their names. Here was the list:

3 Dogs- Jasper, Jane, and Killer
6 kittens- Fluffy, Kate, Ashley, Peanut, Taz, and Tigger.
4chickens- Clucky, Chucky, Cluck, and Bob.
5 horses- Lilly, Candy, Tarzan, Ice Cream, and Kevin.

5Kittens- Kiki, Jenni, Cookie, Gigi, and Harry Potter.
       1 mini pig- Miss. Piggy.

4 Dogs- Cowboy, Archer, Rosy, and Daisy.
2 Horses- Bubble gum & Calvin
Chickens- will be in same coup as all the other chickens.
4Llamas- Drama Llama, Pajama Llama, super llama, llama llama llama. ( It's a song we sing when we are bored)

1 cat- Garfield

2 dogs- Berry & Clifford

3 horses- rapper, singer, and piano.

2 cats- Percy & Annabeth

12 chickens-Zeus, Poseidon,Ares,Apollo, Dionysus, Hermes, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, &

1 dog- Chiron

1 Llama- Zoe Nightshade
   We laughed at Darby's choice of names. She is obsessed with Percy Jackson. Was when she was 9, and still is now that she is 16. She is turning 17 in November. I turn 17 in February. Mack is already 17 and Ashlyn turns 17 next summer.
     " Well, I am glad Chad and I broke up last month. That way we wouldn't have to have a long distance relationship," Mack says. We all nod and laugh.
         " I feel bad for Bethany. After Talyn died, her brother broke up with her, because it was just to hard to date one of her friends. And a week after that she moved to New York, so she never saw him again. She really liked him," Darby says.
       " Yeah, me too," I say.
       " I wish I had powers," Ashlyn mumbles.
     " Well, you could get powers. We know how. But, there is about a 30% chance you will die like Talyn. Just warning you. I would rather you stay safe, but if you really want to, we will take you there," Mack says.

      " I will take that chance. I will do anything." Ashlyn says.
Darby and I glance at each other.
    "OK, let's do it," I say

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