Chapter One

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I got comfortable on our leather couch and glanced at my father.

"What are we watching daddy?"

"The news," he replied without tearing his gaze from the flat screen.

I too fixed my eyes to the television. My mother, Blazing Storm, was fighting a newborn 'villain', who called him self Indestructible-O.

You might think a responsible parent wouldn't let his seven year old daughter watch a violent crime scene. But as you can probably tell, our family's a little different.

On the screen, Mom screeched terrifyingly. Man was she mad.  She shot lightning bolts at Mr. -O and rain suddenly thundered down. 

Mom glared at Indestructible-O and his eyes go wide. I saw fear in his eyes. Hope. And... Sadness?

I had wondered why he would be... sad.
And why hopeful? Weren't villains only supposed to feel well- villainous thoughts?

Blazing Storm gave the villain one last zap, and he was down. The police handcuffed the criminal.

Another victory for mom.

Dad and I sat in silence as the make-up covered news reporter gives more information of the scene.

"Just six months ago Indestructible-O's wife and daughter died in a house fire. One month later Indestructible-O was caught in a gun shooting at a bank. He was later put in prison, and just recently escaped."
Have you ever noticed that when people do these reports, they have absolutely no emotion? I know there trained to do so, but in this particular moment, I felt a little offended. Was she even feeling the tiniest bit of sadness? Or thought?

"Dad?" I started hesitantly.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Do you think, maybe, just maybe, the villains are-" I breathed and found the word I was looking for, "are- scared? And-and lost? So they blindly do things- things they are unsure to do?"

My father looked at me in complete shock. "Go to your room!"

"But- but- I was just-"


And that's when my little rebellion began.

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