Prologue <3<3<3<3

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New story. So very exicted. Hope you love it.

Song: Love is wicked by Brick and Lace

Prologue <3<3<3<3

I am finally going to do this. After four years, I will tell my crush and love of my life how I truly feel about him. I walk down the hallway of the hospital helding for his room. I knew where his room was because I have been visiting him here since the accident.

Him getting hurt still pains me but I am happy to know that he is going to be discharged today. That was what encouraged me to confess my feelings to him.

I stop at the door which i have been coming to for days. I slowly open the door.

What I saw, shocked me completely.I see Percy passionatelly hugging his girlfriend who is also crying.

Did I forget to tell you that he has a girlfriend. They have been dating for some months. But I don't think he loves her, so she doesn't bother me. But why are they hugging and she is crying? Maybe they broke up. That will really be nice.

I felt a smile crept into my face as i close the door to alert them of my presence. They broke the embrace and turn to my direction.

Percylooks at me and snorts. "Its just you munch brain." I smile because that's the nickname he gave to me. His girlfriend, who I know as Anne playfully hits him on his shoulder.

She then walks up to me and shows me her hands with a cheerful expression. I look at her face before moving my gaze to her hands where I see a diamond ring being place on one of her fingers.

"Percy asked me to marry him and I said yes." She told me. She doesn't need to tell me because I guessed it immediately I saw the ring. My heart is currently in pieces. This cannot be happening, Percy cannot do this to me. I refuse to believe this.

Percy walks up to Anne and kisses her on the cheeks. He looks at me,then at Anne and says "I know it is sudden but I love Anne and I want her to be my wife. Looks like your the first one to find out, munch brain."

I look at them and with all the strength and will power i never knew i posses, I say "I am happy for both of you. I wish you two the best." Which is a complete lie. I wish their marriage doesn't last and he comes back to me.

I quickly open the door and leave the room before either of them can say anything. I felt the tears coming from my eyes but I couldn't wipe it at all.

I walk slowly out of the hospital with my heart in pieces. I did not bother to look back. I left the hosipal with only one thought in my mind, I was stupid to fall in love with Percy.


Wow! Love do really hurt. Lol. Till next update.

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