Warriors x Readers!😝

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You wake up with a start. Were your clan is, isn't the best place. You and your clan have been raided for the past six moons. You are tired and walk out of your den to look down upon your camp when you see what is usually a very quiet docile place and was writhing with cats.
"STOP!"You shout. Everyone stops and looks twords your den, shock and fear in their eyes."Leave our camp, rouges."You say without fear, then, a cat you once knew steps forward.
"No."He says firmly.
"Leave at once, Bloodfang, you are not welcome here."you say, very displeased at the rouge leader.
"What is it?Do you not remember me?Or do you not WANT to remember me (name)star?"
You hear a kit screech"HELP!".You aren't usually a big fighter but you have no choice, you leap down and with a mighty battle cry, you sprint twords the nursery Bloodfang close on your tail. You reach the nursery just in time to tackle the rouge deputy, Flamepelt. You leap upon him, exposing his underbelly, you use your back claws to slash at his underbelly.
Sorrel tail sits in the corner, standing protectively over her kits. You look at the kit, pain flashing in your eyes as you remember your own kit, Mosskit, who Bloodfang had killed in cold blood. You swallow your anger. Now is not the time to kill, you tell yourself. Great starclan what happened?! You ask yourself. You woke up on the floor of the nursery. Sorreltail and her kits standing over you worried expressions on their faces.
"(name)star! They captured your kit, Snowpaw!"she yelled
"What?NO!"you screech jumping up, you run to your mate, Cloudtail."(name)star whats wrong?"he asks you.
You are too panicked to answer. Finally, you tell him that your only daughter and kit has been kidnapped. Suddenly, a rouge, Flamepelt strut into the camp. You feel your ears flatten against your head and your eyes narrow. You don't do anything about it though.
"WHERES MY KIT...." you growl, as your clanmates surround him. He grins at you" your kit is safe.....for now." he growled ominously.
"Look Bloodfang just told me to tell you if you don't come to twoleg place tomorrow at high sun, you can be assured your kit will die." he growled and as quickly as he came, he was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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