Electric Blue

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I never been the kind of guy who anyone ever admired or even passed any heed of.
A reject as some would say.
He was far from ordinary,the way he carried himself showed he wasn't as aware of how extraordinary he was.
He was tall and dressed all in black.
He had blond hair a small narrow nose and full bottom lip pierced with a thin black ring.
He looked up and our eye's met.
They were the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen.Like the ocean on a clear day.
He raised his eyebrows at me.I realised had said something to me as I was staring at him.
"Excused me " he said timidly.His voice was low and quite.
"Sorry! How can I help you" I flustered

"Can I look at that guitar up there" he said pointing to a blue electric guitar.

"Of course " I said grabbing the stool I used to take the instruments down from up high.
I stood up on the stool and reached for the guitar looking at him from the corner of my eye.
I was then on the floor with my hand to my forehead.The guitar on the ground as well. I had manged to not only drop the guitar but to drop it on my head.I swore under my breath and sat up taking my hand of my head.
"Oh my God are you alright! How many fingers am I holding up ?What day is it?" he who was knelt beside me now panicked.

" I'm fine, two fingers and a thumb and it's Thurday" I replied rubbing my head.
I heard the rumbling of someone running up the stairs.
"HOLY SHIT!" Ashtons voiced boomed.
He leaped over me to the guitars aid. He cradled the guitar in his arms inspecting for damage.
"Wow Ashton need to worry about me not like I nearly got concussed or anything " I said sarcastically.

"Phew the guitars fine thank god " Ashton said ignoring my comment.

"Hey Michael what doing on the floor" Ashton said finally paying attention to me. I pointed to my forehead.
"I'll get the icepack" he said handing the blond boy the guitar. I stood up.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he said genuinely looking concerned.I smiled cause at least someone cared if I was alright. And also cause that someone was really fucking hot.
"It's fine thanks" I reasured him
"Do you still want the guitar?" I asked

"Of course, you did go through a lot of effort get it" he replied with a bright smiled pulled across his face.

"I'll throw in a guitar strap cause it was dropped" I said as I retrieved a guitar strap from under the counter.I picked a Green Day one to match the Green Day shirt I noticed he was wearing.

"That's very kind of you thank you"

"You're welcome"
He paid for the guitar.
"Bye Michael thank you"

"Bye umm.."


"Bye Luke" I said smiling as I watched him exit.

"Oooh I see how it is now" Ashton said smirking as he emerges with my icepack.

"What ? "

"You like him"

"What! No I don't! "

"Bye Luke" he mocked fluttering his eyelashes .

"That's not how I said it !" I defended

"Sure Mikey" Ashton said sarcastically.


"You literally fell for him" Ashton teased.

"Fuck off" I replied giving him the look.

Ashton handed me the icepack and I pressed it to my forehead and with relief.
"I'm only teasing Mike , anyways I think he likes you back "Ashton said before he decended the stairs before I could say anything.
"That's likely " I said sarcastically to nobody.A guy like that would never like a guy like me.I replayed our interaction in my head.Remembering his smile his voice and big blue eyes.
How big ,how blue,how beautiful.
Pov Luke
I walked home carrying my new guitar.
It wasn't the first time I went to the music shop. I had been in there a few time and bought nothing.Not cause I didn't want to , I've been wanting to buy the guitar for a month.The only reason I hadn't was because of him.I was the kind of person who had to really work themselves up to talk to new people.
It was more difficult trying to talk to the dreamy music shop guy.I look back at our interaction in my head.The first thing I said probably couldn't be heard by the human ear only dogs.He stared at me and I repeated myself several decibles louder and actually got a reponce.His voice of soft and smooth the kind of voice you would want to listen to all day.
I wish I hadn't asked for the blue one up high.Why couldn't I have asked for a lower guitar instead of demanding the highest one like some of princess!
I panicked when it hit him.FUCK I JUST KILLED HOT MUSIC SHOP GUY!
"Fuck! " he swore in a tone I'd like to hear whispered in my ear. I panicked and asked him all the questions people ask in movies when someone hits their head.
He answered all the questions correctly .
I heard the other music shop guy bounding up the stairs he also very handsome.He was more concerned about the guitar.I would be too if he wasn't so hot.He looked angry now.He even looked hot when he was angry.Handsome music shop guy handed me the guitar and went to get him an icepack.He stood up and I got up off my knees. I asked him was he alright again.He claimed he was fine.
Never had I ever wanted to cradle a six foot something man in my arms before now.He asked me of if I still wanted it, looking at me with his green eyes sparkling making me weak at the knees.
I looked at the guitar strap he gave me
it was a Green Day one. I couldn't help but smile.He noticed my t-shirt.
Maybe he might like me.

First chapter! sorry with going Michaels pov to Luke I just wanted to show what they were both thinking about their interaction.
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