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I heard my alarm clock starting to ring, which meant that it was already six in the morning. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to darkness in my room, and let out a yawn. I turned to my side to turn the alarm off and threw the blankets off of me. It was only six am which meant I still had thirty minutes before the sunrise. I had to always watch the sun rising, it was like a little tradition for me, you could say.

I slipped my flip-flops on and got out of the bed and then I stretched my arms and back, the sound of the knots in my back cracking filled the room.

I walked up to my closet and opened it, coming face to face with a bunch of dark clothes. I sighed to myself and grabbed the first black jeans that I saw, along with a dark grey shirt and placed them on my table. I picked out undergarments from my small drawer and then headed to the bathroom. I took off the clothes I had slept on and turned the shower's faucet on to let the water get warm. While I waited, I took my toothbrush and poured toothpaste on it and started to brush my teeth.

I took the time to watch my reflexion in the mirror. The girl in front of me looked just like how I felt. Dead.

I had dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep and my eyes had lost their brightness, long ago, looking dull and dark, now. My face looked pale and my dark brown hair was all over the place.

A sigh fell from my lips. I spat the toothpaste in the sink and rinsed my mouth. I washed the toothbrush and then hopped in the shower, the hot water connecting with my body. Taking showers always seemed to make it all better. The hot water was soothing and relaxing.

I scrubbed my body with the mango scented shower gel, making sure to scrub every spot. After that, I poured some shampoo on my hands and washed my hair. I rinsed my whole body, washing out all the shower gel and shampoo.

Once I was done, I turned the faucet off and pushed the curtains of the shower to the side so that I could take my towel to dry my body. I stepped out of the shower tub and walked out of the bathroom.
Standing in front of my bed, I slipped my undergarments on and then dropped the towel on my bed. I stared at the clothes on my table and decided to check the time before starting to dress.

The clock showed that it was twenty past six. I quickly walked to the table to get my clothes and get dressed. I couldn't miss the sunrise. There was something about watching the sunrise that made me feel safe and good.

I pushed one leg at a time through my black, ripped skinny jeans and then put my plain, grey shirt on. I put black socks on and slipped my black boots on. I walked to the hangers in my closet and took out my favorite denim jacket. I pushed my arms through the sleeves and adjusted the collar of the jacket.

I quickly combed my hair, spread some lotion on my face and sprayed perfume on me. I grabbed my phone, that stood on my bed, along with my towel which I took back to the bathroom.

I checked my phone to see the hours and it was already half past six. I padded towards the window in my room and pushed the blinds open, coming face to face with a blue-ish sky with an orange line on the horizon, signaling that the sun was rising.

I sighed, immediately relaxing, as I watched the beautiful mixture of colors fill the sky. The transition from night to day was probably the most beautiful thing I ever had the pleasure to witness. I knew I had to be at school in thirty minutes but, to be honest, I could care less. And, after a few years of doing this I kind of learned how to manage my time so that I would be able to watch the sunrise and get to school in time. That meant that I sometimes had to miss breakfast but that's a bit irrelevant, in my opinion. Breakfast I mean.

The sun seemed to be in a rush because it was already out and illuminating the streets, not at its full power but still enough for the sky not to be dark anymore. The clouds were starting to put themselves in front of the sun, slowly covering the beautiful star.

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