I didn't realize I was staring as hard until he gave me a head nod. I smiled and turned back to my plate. Even after I turned around I could feel him continue stare at me.

Once I was finish with my food I got up and put the plastic plate I was eating on in the garbage. I was about to go outside when I felt a hand grab my arm. I looked up and saw the cute boy who was staring at me.

"You leaving yo phone ma".

He said in a deep stern voice. I couldn't help but look him in the eyes the whole time. He was too fine for no reason.


I spoke grabbing the 'RichGang' case covered iPhone from his hands. I could see the veins in his arms flex when he handed it me.

"What's ya name beautiful"?

I blushed looking away from him.

"Janiyah. But you can call me Niyah".

I told him the nick-name everyone calls me. Nobody calls me Janiyah unless its something serious.

"Niyah. I like it".

He said trying it out for himself. The way my name rolled off his tongue was just...

"Whats yours"?


He said licking his lips. He shoved his hands into his pockets and leaned against the door frame. I felt so small compare to his tall frame. He was skinny though.

"I saw you dancing outside. You did real good".

He complimented while rubbing his chin.


I said smiling at him. He smiled back showing the dimples in his cheeks. It seemed like all my goofy ass could do was smile at him.

"So uh you know Trey"?

He asked standing up on his own again, making me feel even shorter.

"Um yeah. He's my cousin".

I told him. He stood up taller placing his hands on the top of the door frame I was standing under making the veins in his arms show and his muscles flex.

"Damn really"?


"How come I ain't seen you before then"?

He asked me.

"Shit iono. I guess you ain't been around enough because i'm with him alot".

I admitted, He began to laugh showing both dimples in his cheeks. I raised an arched eye brow.

"What's funny".

"Nothing cursing just don't sound right on you. You too gorgeous to be speaking foul like that".

He said making me blush and butterflies to erupt inside my stomach. I smiled but before I could let out a thank you gun shots began to rang out, out of no where.

Everything was starting to happen so fast. I was pulled to the nearest exit which was the basement downstairs. We went down the few steps and slid down the nearest wall to our left. He stood up and looked out the small window above us that was cracked a bit. I heard him curse under his breath and he looked towards the ground. His jaw clenched and he let go of my hand.

"Aye stay here. I'mma be right back".

He instructed. I watched him walk up the stairs pull out a gun from his side. All this time his ass was strapped and I hadn't even known. When he disappeared from the stair case I stood up on my tip toes and looked out the small window. My cousin Trey was standing in the street and in front of him stood about 4 other boys. They were all smiling wide like they just won the lotto or something. The one in the front chuckled before saying something I couldn't hear from here. I could see Trevan appear next to Trey as I sighed and closed the window. I slid down the wall and sat Indian Style on the floor. Unlocking my phone I began a new game of Temple Run 2.

I played about 6 games and began to get bored. As soon as I stood up from the floor Trevan came down the stairs telling me it was okay.

We walked up the stairs, out the door, and front gate. Everyone was preparing to leave because of what just took place. People loaded in their cars and were speeding off. But alot of people were still here. I almost forgot where I parked until I saw my car parked towards the end of the street.

"Aye Niyah"!

I looked up to see my cousin Trey calling my name. Trevan stopped walking and I ran over to him across the pavement.

"So you and my boy huh"?

He asked grinning. I smacked my teeth but couldn't hide my smile.

"Shut up".

He chuckled and sipped from his cup.

"But I'm about to leave in a few Bro".

I told him shoving my hands in the back pockets of my jeans.

"Aight lil cus be good".

He spoke as he held his arms out. I walked into his embrace and hugged him back just as tight as he held me.

"Love you nigga".

I spoke punching his chest as we let go.

"Love you too ugly".

I stuck my tongue out at him and began walking back towards Trevan. He walked me all the way to my car and we held small conversation. Once we made it he opened the door for me making me look back at him with a smile.


I grinned getting in. He closed my door and shurgged.

"It ain't shit".

There was a small pause before he began speaking again.

"So you giving me you're number"?

Trevan asked leaning in the window of my car. I started my car and Memories Back Then by T.I began to come on. I turned it down low so that I could hear him.

"Why should I"?

He chuckled making me smile at him lean towards the open window some.

"Cuz you cute as hell girl. Now gimmie yo number and quit playing".

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone. As soon as I unlocked it, it was snatched out of my hands. Trevan began typing on and his phone began ringing in his pocket.

"Hit my line ma. And don't forget".

He licked his lips and leaned away from my car. I rolled my eyes and smiled. Turning up my music I sped off after waving and saying goodbye from inside my car.

Once I got home I could see all the lights were off from inside. I got out of my car walking up the stoned pathway to the front door. Unlocking it I went straight to my room up the stair case. I have school tomorrow so I was going straight to sleep. I took a warm shower and lotioned my body with baby lotion. Afterwards I slipped on my underwear and a silk gown then got into bed.

Grabbing my phone from the dresser that sat directly next to my bed, I plugged it up to its charger. Before I could sit it back down I received a text making my phone vibrate in my hand. The message popped up from a contact named : Tre 😈🍃💨

"Goodnight ma".

It read. I smiled leaning back on my all purple canopy bed. I sent back a simple 'Goodnight Love' and placed my phone on the dresser. I pulled the covers up over my body and as soon as I closed my eyes I was knocked out.

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