Sing it loud and proud

Start from the beginning

KC and Hakeem grab the twins everyone left out the studio and followed cookie to one of her cars. Kourtney had her own driver so when they got there cookie told the driver to take her to a fancy restaurant

26 minutes later

Kourtney:"we're here"

They pulled up to the most fancy and expensive restaurant in New York. When they entered the restaurant cookie told the man she had a reservation. He escorted them to the most luxurious table in the whole restaurant.

16 minutes later

Kourtney Hakeem and KC was eating they food they was talking about business like about Johnson empire and about the wedding. Since Hakeem propose to KC in Chicago and that is her home the theme would be Chicago but at downtown"

1 hour later

Kourtney dropped Hakeem and KC home. KC had got the twins out of they car seats and got them dress.

Hakeem:"what you cooking tonight"
KC:"nigga I ain't cookin shit"
Hakeem:"come on"
KC:"we just came from a restaurant"
KC:"and you still hungry"
KC:"go make you some food"
Hakeem:"I don't wanna" says it in a whinny voice
KC:"stop being a baby and go"
Hakeem:"okay let me wash my hands"

Hakeem went into the bathroom. His phone was ringing so KC decided to answer it

Unknown:"who is this"
KC:"who is this"
Unknown:"where is Hakeem"
KC:"look who tf is this"
Unknown:"I'm not telling you"
KC:"look don't call this phone Nomo"

KC hanged up the phone and gives Hakeem a dirty look

Hakeem:"hey what's wrong"
KC:"I just got off the phone"
Hakeem:"ok and"
KC:"it was yo phone"
Hakeem:"who was is"
KC:"that's what I want to know"
Hakeem:"was it a girl"
KC:"what you mean oh"
KC:"no tell me"
KC:"is u cheating on me hakeem"
Hakeem:"naw why you think that"
KC:"because the person that called you said where is hakeem"
Hakeem:"look don't freak out"
KC:"see I know yo ass cheating on me"
Hakeem:"KC I'm not cheating on you"
KC:"then why is she calling yo phone"
Hakeem:"she is just a friend"
KC:"a friend huh"
Hakeem:"yeah I would never cheat on you"
KC:"now I know you liein"
Hakeem:"I'm not lying"
KC:"if you not lying tell me the truth who is she"
Hakeem:"who is who"
KC:"nigga quit playin stupid the one we is talking about"
Hakeem:"ok fine her name is Lindsay"
KC:"Lindsay from last time"
KC:"why she calling yo phone"
Hakeem:"we used to go out"
KC:"wow but that doesn't explain why is she calling yo phone"
Hakeem:"she said she pregnant"
KC:"so what does that have to do with you"
Hakeem:"before I saw you again we used to have sex from time to time"
KC:"okay so you saying she pregnant by you"
Hakeem:"besides her boyfriend she been with me"
KC:"ok is you fucking around"
KC:"this is my last time asking you why is she calling yo phone"
KC:"so now you don't wanna say nothing"
KC:"naw don't KC me"
KC:"don't baby me either"
Hakeem:"what else you want me to say
KC:"don't lie to me tell me the damn truth"

KC left the room and went to the kitchen

Hakeem:"look I think your overreacting"
KC:"don't turn this around on me hakeem"
Hakeem:"KC I wouldn't cheat on you
KC:"yeah did you say that to your other girls"
Hakeem:"those girls don't got what you got"
KC:"yeah hakeem this is just a excuse"
Hakeem:"baby come here"
KC:"no Hakeem"
Hakeem:"please come here"

Hakeem leads KC from the kitchen to the living room

KC:"what hakeem"
Hakeem:"so you want the truth"
KC:"yeah I do"
Hakeem:"so before you came to New York I've been with Lindsay"
Hakeem:"she was coming on to me a lot when I had another girl"
Hakeem:"I couldn't help myself so we did what we did"
KC:"ok and"
Hakeem:"my ex found out about it and broke up with me"
KC:"anything else"
Hakeem:"this is gonna hurt"
KC:"what is it"
Hakeem:"you remember the party"
KC:"yeah and"
Hakeem:"I was trying to find you but I couldn't I accidentally ran into anika
Hakeem:"I apologize for running into her but she wouldn't let me leave her sight she kept following me I told her to leave but she...."
KC:"she what"
Hakeem:"she grab hold of my pants I couldn't help myself so she took me to the studio no one didn't come our way so we had sex"
KC:"wow Hakeem"
Hakeem:"you mad"
KC:"hell yeah I'm mad so you lied to me when I asked you was you cheating and fucking around"
Hakeem:"look KC I never meant to hurt you"
KC:"Hakeem I heard this excuse before "I'm sorry baby I never meant to hurt you" "baby it ain't what it look like" "don't leave I would change" I'm not going down that road again so Hakeem what you can do is pack yo stuff and get the hell outta my house"
KC:"stfu bye with yo dirt ass"
Hakeem:"come on"

KC walks up to her bedroom, went into her closet and grabs all of Hakeem's clothes and shoes

KC:"here take it"
Hakeem:"I'm not leaving"
KC:"yes you is"
Hakeem:"who gon make me"
KC:"he is"

KC had called up one of her guards to escort Hakeem out

Hakeem:"really you gon do this to your husband"
KC:"we didn't have the wedding we is engaged so here" throws Hakeem the ring"
Hakeem:"I've made a mistake"
KC:"yeah a big one that costed you me and your daughters"
Hakeem:"give me another chance"
KC:"I gave you one"
Hakeem:"come on baby"
KC:"quit saying the same shit hakeem it ain't gon work not nomo"
Hakeem:"look I think we need a break"
KC:"yeah maybe we do you could stay with someone else"
Hakeem:"ight you a least forgive me"
KC:"yeah bye"

Hakeem Johnson And KC CooperWhere stories live. Discover now