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A/N- special shout out to @escape1my1fate2 for coming up with an awesome title for this story. it was called Dont Get Scared, but i didnt like it so i wanted to change it. so, i am giving a shout out to the "winner" that came up with a good title, If Only They Knew Voodoo Like We Do. anyways, go check her out. she is pretty cool, and she writes awesome fanfics. okie, on with the story. love you all, my Stormers. remember to stay original!


after we say the stupid spell that shane "forced" us to do, we just sat there. we were sitting there, holding hands, loooking at each other. shane was starting to look a little disappointed.

"hey, maybe it takes a minute. ya know, like pills take some time to kick in?" hailz says, trying to make shane feel better.

"yeah, or maybe we have to say it thre-" i get cut off just as the ground beneath us begins to shake. literally, shake.

three of us grab onto each other for support as the ground starts to crack. "earthquake!"

it lasts, maybe, two full minutes before hands start reaching out of the ground. we all scream, like the girls that we are, and stand up. i am ready to bolt when shane grabs my arm.

"no!" she demands. " we stay in the circle."

"but sj, shouldnt we-" shane cuts her off.

"hailz, dont you want to be able to say that you survived whatever is happenening? do you really want to be a coward right now? or do you want to see what might happen?"

hailz glares at our friend, knowing she pressed the right button. "i hate you right now."

"HAHAHAHAHA!" us three look over to our left. there's a group of guys standing there. five very attractive guys.

where the hell  did they come from?!

at that thought, i look down at the ground. ya know, the one where there is five open graves? yeah, that one.

my mouth flings open. "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!"



i look over at elise. when i see what she is screaming about, my eyes widen. "holy shit!"

sj starts laughing. "yes! i knew it would work!"

the five guys just stand there and smile at us. thank god, elise has stopped shrieking. now it is all just one big, staring contest.


-shane (sj)-

"hey!" i wave, nervously, to the group of guys in front of us.

"hey," they all wave back.

"happy halloween," i giggle.

"it's halloween?" guy #1 asks.

i nod.

"um... what year is it?" guy #2 asks.

"2016," i answer.

  (A/N- i know today is still 2015 but just go along with it. there is only two days left of the year.)

"who are you guys?" guy #3 points to elise, hailz, and i.

"im shane, a.k.a sj. And these are my two bestest friends, hailz and elise."

"they talk, right?" guy #4 says, eyeing the two mimes.

i roll my eyes. "like crazy! but not around strangers."

"but we aren't strangers anymore," guy #5 smirks, sending a wink hailz's way.

"well, technically, you are. you guys never told us your names," hailz suddenly says.

"whoa! she does speak," guy #5 chuckles.

"im sorry, my friend and i are a little shocked that you all just rose from the dead," she says.

that's when the guys check themselves out. "oh, shit! we did just do that, didnt we?"

"so what are your names?" i ask.

guy #1 raises his hand. " im johnny."

guy #2 says," im bradley."

guy #5 says, " the name's Dan."

"i am adam," guy #3 says.

"which means i must be joel," guy #4 jokes.

i look over the group of guys then look at us three girls. let's have a little fun, shall we?  "so, you guys wanna hang?"

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