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Chapter Two

                    “Cali. Cali. Cali!” my uncle shouted from my doorway. Well, I’d have to thank him later for this rude awakening. 

“I’m up. Leave me alone,” I said, throwing the covers onto the floor. I cracked my back and headed into my bathroom. It took me about twenty minutes to straighten my hair and put on a little bit of makeup. Just dark purple eyeliner and mascara. I wasn’t in the mood for anything fancy today, the worst day of my life. My uncle had already loaded my stuff into the Hummer and was calling me downstairs. I packed up my hair and make up stuff before getting dressed. I put on dark hip-hugger jeans, my black HIM hoodie, and black Vans. HIM was my favorite band, so I thought that wearing one my hoodies like this might lighten the mood. I grabbed my bag of bathroom stuff and headed downstairs. I handed my bag to my uncle and headed out to the Hummer. We were taking our car to the airport, flying to Pennsylvania, then being picked up by a chauffer and taken to the house we were moving into. My car, a jet-black Lamborghini, was being driven the whole way to the airport we were leaving at. My uncle hired a close family friend that he trusted to take it there, because I didn’t let anyone drive my car. Ever. I missed it though. I loved that car like it was my baby. I glanced at myself in the side mirror as I waited for him to lock up the house and get in the car. I hated to sound conceited, but I did think that I was pretty. White-blue eyes, one eyebrow pierced, perfect cheekbones and a small nose. It was no wonder how I got my job, I guess. I was a model for makeup. It paid pretty good. About thirty bucks an hour. But it was another thing that I’d have to leave behind. I didn’t really need the money, my uncle had plenty of it, but it gave me something to do. Usually, I used to sit at home and do nothing until my boyfriend came to get me everyday. He didn’t allow me to have friends or hobbies, but he did allow me to have a job. He was over-protective, but I knew it was because he loved me.

“Hey, what do you want?” Uncle Tremain snapped me out of my thoughts and I realized that we were in the drive-thru at Starbucks. 

“Usual,” I said, leaning my head against the window. He knew what the usual was, a vanilla cappuccino with a raspberry pump. He ordered for me and pulled up to the first window. He handed me my coffee and I sipped it silently as he continued on toward the airport.

“Are you gonna give me the silent treatment all day?” he asked. I could tell he was agitated, and I guess he had reason to be. 

“No. I’m sorry. It’s just, to make matters worse, when I talked to Coby last night, he said if I left, it was over,” I replied, trying not to cry.  

“Honey, I’m sorry. But if that’s true, and he meant it, he’s not worth it because that’s a shitty thing to do,” he replied. I didn’t want this conversation to continue, because I knew how my uncle and Coby felt about each other. They hated each other to death. Early darkness was lifting and I could see the big airport in the distance. We parked as far away from the building as possible and headed inside. 

“Cali,  stay here. We have twenty minutes before our flight leaves. I’m gonna get our stuff and get it checked in, then I’ll come back and get you,” my uncle said, directing me toward a seat in the waiting area. I sat cross-legged and stared at my phone in my lap. Should I text Coby? Were we still together? I didn’t even know how to ask. Like magic, the screen lit up and I had a text message from him. I felt an uncomfortable adrenaline rush as I unlocked my phone. The message read, Cali, I want you to know that you’re a bitch for choosing your uncle over me, but this isn’t over until I say it is, and we have some “talking” to do when I see you the next time. I guess it’s been too long since I showed you who was in charge. I sighed. We were still together, that was a plus. But he was mad at me, which gave me chills. I didn’t like it when he got mad at me. I had current bruises from him at the time. On my ribcage. He was drunk, and I tried to make him stop drinking more, but he wouldn’t listen. I took the beer out of his hand and told him that he’d had enough. He grabbed my hair and slammed me against the wall, and I fell to the floor. I was dizzy, I had hit my head pretty hard. He stumbled over to the bed and reached under it. I knew what he was getting, and if I could’ve gotten up and ran, I would’ve. He produced the metal baseball bat that I had seen too many times. Maybe, it’s been too long,” he stammered, as he raised it above his head. He brought it down fast, striking me across my stomach. I cried out in agony, and he did it four more times around my ribcage. I was surprised that I didn’t have a broken rib. This happened only three days ago, and it still hurt. Of course my uncle didn’t know about it, I’d never admit to anyone that I stayed with somebody like that. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Ready?” he asked, as I stood up. I followed my uncle through security, then to our plane. We flew in first-class, which was nice. I was offered coffee, but I declined because I only liked my coffee a certain way. I put in my headphones and closed my eyes. This eight-hour flight was going to feel like an eternity.

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