
19.9K 856 395

Music Inspiration
Mikky Ekko- Feels Like The End
Aqualung ft. Kina Grannis- To The Wonder
X Ambassadors- Unsteady

Harry: May 21st 8:19pm: I just landed. I'll call you as soon as I get in the house

Harry: May 21st 9:02pm: Can you please pick up

Harry: May 22nd 1:32pm: I feel like I'm calling way too much. But I'm worried about you. Please call me back

Harry: May 22nd 3:44pm: Just checking up on you

Harry: May 22nd 7:19pm: Work wasn't so good for me today. I could tell Liam was being really safe with me again.

Harry May 23rd 12:06am: Don't get distant with me now call me or something.

Harry: May 23rd 6:17am: You want some space I'll give it too you

Harry: May 23rd 9:31am:  Never mind I'm not going to give you space. I know you're not alright, cause I'm not. Call me, text me, something

Harry: May 23rd 5:50pm: Stop avoiding me Katherine. Please call me, please

"You really can't stop texting? Could you at least wait till we got to a stop sign".

"My bad". From the corner of his eye, Harry could visibly see the discomfort forming on Nadia's face. So he locks his phone back, putting it inside the cup holder.

"It's just we're literally ten minutes from your parents house. Whoever that is can wait"

"I said my bad Nadia, alright". He rolls his eyes, frustrated. Because Harry senses another argument waiting to happen. Something he had gotten use to over the last few days with her. Slowing down at the nearest stop sign, Nadia presses mute on the music playing from the radio.

"Whats wrong with you?"


"Nothing?". She scoffs in her seat. Unclamping her seatbelt. "It's not just nothing, Harry. You've been acting different". She waits for a response. But all he does is concentrate on driving, turning left down his mothers street. "So now you're ignoring me?"

"I'm not ignoring you. I'm just not in the mood"

"Not in the mood?". She repeats. Tucking strands of hair behind her ear. "You know ever since we started dating, you've constantly talked about your New York deal. How excited you are. And once it closed, I had to hear about it from Alivia. Then you come home, say absolutely nothing except that you had to fly back New York that night. And that you'd be gone for a couple days. Which I guess really means a week for you"


"You called me one time while you were down there! And it was a miracle if I even got a reply back from a text"

"Can we talk about this later?"

"Why, so you can avoid me again?". The car slowing down as Harry presses on the brakes. He stares up at his childhood home for a second before getting out. "Harry!?"

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