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Gemini may 22-june 21
Air Sign; Loves communication and relationships with other people. They are thinkers and friendly, as well as intellectual, communicative, and analytical. They love philosophical conversations and social gatherings. They give good advice, though they can be superficial. Air signs are; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Pros: Adaptable and versatile Communicative and witty Intellectual and eloquent Youthful and lively
Cons: Nervous and tense Superficial and inconsistent Cunning and inquisitive
Compatibility: Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius.
Least Compatible: Virgo, Pisces
Rivals: Taurus, Capricorn
Best Friends: Leo, Aries
Name: Aiko Satsuki
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue-Gray
Age: 16, junior
Personality: Loves to socialize with others but can be serious when the time calls for it. Loves to bend the rules to her will and will be secretive, but can give good advice if needed. She's a kind hearted person, if not a bit too superficial.
Gender: Female

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