"Can you calm her?" Mr. Weasley asked. James shook his head.

"We bicker quite a lot, i might rile her up more. I need my brother, Al. They were always quite close." Jaime bit his lip and looked to his sister.

"Where would he be? He was here not long ago." Hermione said "He was the boy who looked like Harry, right? With the square glasses?" Jamie nodded.

A sick feeling came up in his stomach. He pushed past all the Weasleys and Order members. Ginny tried to grab onto his arm but he shook her off. She called out to him but he ignored her. He walked forward with his eyes set dead ahead on the dome. He took one lumbered step after the other.

"Jamie!" Ginny called out again. He didn't so much as flinch "James!" She tried his full name. The only thing that kept her from running after him was Ron blocking her path. She was starting to worry. He was going to get himself killed with all the rebounding curses, less the Death Eaters who would be more than happy to off him. she had one last thing to call out but she knew it would end it for the secrecy they had gained.

But she was desperate.

"James Potter!" she yelled. Jamie stopped. So did most of the Order. "You get back here, before you get yourself killed, unnecessarily." she ordered.

James didn't move. He didn't advance, nor retreat. He kept his eyes on Lily but didn't dare move forward. Ginny glared into the back of his head.

"Don't make me use your full name" Ginny threatened "I will do it if I have to."

"Gin," Ron warned "Is it worth it?"

"If it'll save his life, yes." Ginny growled "James S-"

"Shut up mum!" Jamie snapped "Dad's dead don't you see?" Jamie turned to look at her "Dad's dead and Lily is crying over his body and there is nothing I can do about it. Why should it matter if I go out there and get myself killed if I won't even be born."

"You wouldn't be here if you weren't going to be born!" Ginny shot back "Look Jamie, something else is going on here and as long as you have a life that you can lose, you are not going to run into the face of unknown danger all careless like that. You are not your father. You are no use to Lily, -or Albus, for that matter- if you're dead."

"Ginny, what's going on?" Mrs. Weasley seemed mad "Why is a boy who's older than you calling you 'mum'?" Ginny ignored her and continued talking to Jamie

"We need to find Al. He has the best chance of calming her." Jamie shook his head

"Dad." he said quietly "Dad has got the best shot. He needs to wake up."

"We can't bet on that just yet." Ginny said "Go and find your brother. Leave the rest to me."

James sniffed and rubbed his eyes. He walked toward the group and Ron wrapped his arms around him.

"Ginny-" Molly started again. Ginny cut her off by doing exactly what she had told Jamie not to do. She walked toward the dome. Somehow, with some miracle, she got there unscathed.

"Lily?" she said softly

"Why are there all these voices in my head?" she screamed

"Lily, dear, I'm not in your head." Ginny said in a soothing voice. Lily opened her eyes and peered over to Ginny.

"Mum?" she whispered

"Yeah, baby." Ginny smiled.

A spell rebounded off the dome and hit Ginny square into the chest. She was flung backward, right into her father, and her wand was sent flying. An agonizing cry rang out from the dome. It wasn't Lily though. Lily stayed rooted to the spot with tears rushing down her face. She watched in horror as the people around her erupted into chaos. The Weasleys, backed by the majority of the Order, launched an attack on the Death Eaters.The rest of the good guys soon joined in. Lily was trapped inside the dome. She banged on the edge of the shield and screamed.

"Where the hell are you dad!" she wailed

"Lily," the voice from earlier said again

"Dad, I hear you but I can't see you." she cried. Her voice was almost drowned out by the battle outside.

"I'm right beside you, under the cloak. Al has the other one"

"You're okay?" Lily breathed

"I'm fine, just... scared." he admit "Are you okay?"

"I- I think I am- now." she stuttered. Lily's eyes rolled in the back of her head and she fell over, right on top of the body. The purple dome shield imploded and sucked into its point of origin. It all sucked back into Lily. A purple light then arose from her chest. The surrounding battle was in voluntarily frozen. Everyone, mimd spell or not, was glued in the exact position as the purple light shot from Lily's chest into Al's chest.

Al took a sudden breath. He sat up and looked around panicked. He went a bit cross eyed but he seemed to spot something. He took off the circular glasses and held them out.

"I think these are yours." he said.

A disembodied hand reached back out to him and took them. The hand disappeared again but reappeared with square glasses. Al took them and put them on. He blinked a couple of times and looked to Lily. He put two fingers on her wrist and waited for a moment. He pulled his hand away and sighed in relief.

"We're both alive." he whispered

(A/N: This is getting really hard for me to write... I don't know why but it just takes me longer to think of the words. I, unfortunately, am going away soon so I might not be able to update a lot until the new year but after the new year, I'm back at school. So joy. I will, as always, do my best, but again, no promises. ILYA!! -Jul)

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