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So today I start school... I walked in and noticed a girl with beautiful red hair. She came up to me and introduced herself. "Hi Im Lydia. Are you new here?" Hi Im Maddie, yes i just got here last week. She told me i could hang around her for the day but i told her a boy named scott told me he would show me around.

Lydia said, "Oh Scott Mcall! He must like you. He usually never talks to strangers other then his friends unless..." she paused. I asked "unless what?" "Never mind." Lydia said. She then brought me to scott who was at his locker, right next to mine... huh thats weird i thought the lockers went by last name. My last name starts with an r and his is mcall, atleast thats what lydia said...

Anyways, Lydia left and Scott said hi and asked if i needed any help. I told him i dont know where my first class is, health. Apparently we had that class together! So did Lydia so when I walked in I sat next to her. Scott and Stiles sat in the back of us. When class ended, my nose started to bleed. But the blood wasnt red, it was a gooey black. Scott and Lydia saw and I quickly ran to the bathroom. I finally got it to stop and when I walked out I walked right into Scott who waited for me to come out. I asked him why he was following me. He just told me he needed to talk to me. "After school, go to the only vet that is in this town. I work there and there is something important I need to tell you....

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