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Amber. That's my name. I know not a very cool name. I was named after a bird that my mom had. Which dead. Yeah --sad. I had to listen to that story for about an Hour! Boring! I'm not your normal shopping kinda girl. I much more then that. I have long brown hair  and  blue eyes. I sound normal right? Wrong! My mother and father are dead. And all the other kids at school took  that as an opportunely  to pick on me. Mean --I know. I sometimes wish I punch them. But I can't. Because Furry said No.Anyway,  My mother worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. and she died on a mission. I was like maybe four or five when she died. My father you ask? He didn't care about me. He left my mother when i was very young. I only asked for him like once before my mother told me about him.  After that I never mention his name again or the word father. Anyway back to the story of my life. The avengers took me in.  Tony is my guarding. Legally. I have the papers to prove it. We get along pretty well.  If you're wondering if the  Avengers trained me. Then the answer is Yes. It might have took a few years of begging but they finally said yes. Thor teaches me about the nine realms, Black widow and Hawkeye train me and show cool weapons. That  they don't let me use. Outrages right? Tony  and Bruce are  my teachers of engineering and that other good/boring  stuff. Agent Hill-well lets just say she teaches me about S.H.I.E.L.D. and hacking. I like the last part. Pietro  Maximoff ... would I describe this? Let's just say we entertain  each other. With stuff and pranks. Captain America? He fills in for Black widow and Hawkeye when they are on a mission. When they're all on a mission...I'm stuck with Agent Hill learning about S.H.I.E.L.D. I hate those days. And it was one of those day that I did something that Tony will ground me for life.

We Live to Fight! {Young Justice & Avengers Crossover}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ