First Step

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Author's NOTE

So to the one who requested the song. I'll be posting it when I know the son fully. I'm sorry. It's just that I don't know that song that much but I will learn it for you. :)

Elsa's POV

"Ms. Arens, the show will start in 15 minutes." a girl comes into the room they gave me and I nodded.

"Yeah. Thanks." I said and she left. I looked at myself in the mirror. I am wearing a denim crop top and denim jeans. I matched it with my black boots.

They curled my hair and added some light makeup. Somebody knocked on my door and I turn around.

"Yes?" I called out and the door opened. James Corden peaks his head out and I stood up.

"Good morning, Ms. Arens. Thank you very much for accepting my invitation." he says and we shook hands.

"It's my pleasure." I said and he smiles.

"I'm just gonna give you a few tips, considering this is your first interview." he said and I hummed.

"Sure.. I might need it." I said and he puts his hands on his pocket.

"So, I came here to break the ice so that it wouldn't look awkward for the two of us out there. And I just want you to know that it is alright if you answer my questions with the truth or a lie. We all know that this is Hollywood." he said and I chew my inner cheeks.

"I'm gonna say the truth though, since I'm not very good with lying. And you know, things might get complicated if I lie." I said honestly and his eyes twinkled.

"Ahh, much better. Yeah, I suggest you do that. Now, also I want to apologize right now if I say something that might offend you. You know, interviewers. But I will try my beat not to cross the line that much since you're just a newbie here." he said.

"That is very much appreciated. Thank you." I said and he looks at his wrist watch.

"We only have 5 minutes left. I gotta go. Good luck out there, Elsa." he says and he shakes my hand one last time before going out of my room.

I sit down on my chair and relaxed. I'm a bit nervous to be honest. I don't know what kind of questions they would ask me.

The red light flickered and I stood up and went outside of my room. James is talking some stuff, ready to introduce me. They clipped this gadget in my pants so that I no longer need a mic.

"Everybody, let us welcome.. Elsa Arens!" James said and a beat played while I walked to where James was while smiling.

The audience was cheering and I waved at them. James shook my hand and we sit down.

"How are you, Elsa?" he asked.

"I'm a bit nervous considering this is my first interview." I said and James chuckled.

"You don't have to worry about anything. How does it feel being a newbie celebrity?" he asks. I straightened my back.

"Well, it gives me this new feeling and I like it." I answered shortly.

"What kind of new feeling?" James asked and I pursed my lips a bit.

"Well, think of being able to taste a new candy you thought was disgusting. But then when yoy tasted it, it turned out to be a great one. It's like that." I said and he chuckles.

"Yeah, well. I can't remember that feeling sadly because I think all food is delicious." he says and everybody laughs including me.

"So, what was your life like before two managements fought for you?" he asked.

"Oh, well my parents and my sister were very supportive. No matter what happened, they supported me. I have faced a lot of problems but they never left my side.

A couple heartbreaks, but I'm still strong because of them." I said and everyone claps making me nod.

"Well, that's the best part of being part of a family. By heartbreaks, what do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, heartbreaks from cheating boyfriends and fake friends." I answered him and everybody 'oohs'.

"Those people must be regreting what they have done now. Now, we'll continue with the asking of questions later. I just want to play a game with 'yah. Is that alright?" he asks.

"It's making me a bit nervous and excited at the same time, James." I said and we both laughed.

"Don't worry. This is very simple. I will say two options and you have to pick only one. You have to answer them fast." he said.

"Only one?" I giggled and pouted.

"Okay.. Jeans or skirts?" he asked.

"I love skirts but I will have to go with jeans." I said.

"Mhmm, nice answer... Teddy Bear or Panda Stuffed toy?"

"Panda Stuffed Toy!" I cheered.

"They're cute, aren't they? Pizza or Ice cream?" he asked.

"Jesus Christ, this is hard... Umm.. Ice cream." I said.

"Jack Frost or Thomas Sangster?" he asked and everybody 'oohed'.

"Well. This one is hard too, James. I mean they both don't age.. But Thomas Sangster." I said and everybody clapped.

"Okay.. I have more questions though our litte game is done. Now, what do your parents do for a living?" he asked.

"My mom and dad owns a company. I sometimes go there and they once told me that I would own that one day. But then I got discovered and I told my parents I dreamed of being an actress so they let me." I said.

"As you said they are very supportive." he said.

"Any projects coming?" he asked.

"None but the management is planning sonething for me and I promise that you'll be the first interviewer to know." I said and he laughs.

"Well, thank you very much for coming, Elsa." he stood up and I stood up as well.

"Yes, thank you for having me here. I had so much fun." I said and waved at everyone.

Jack's POV

"They both don't age but... Thomas Sangster." I said in a girly voice. Don't get me wrong, Thomas is my friend but I just can't help but notice something in her.

Something different. I'm still a bit curious with her stunts. Is she faking them?

If she's gonna be my leading lady, I have to know her first. I also need to know what her real goal is.

There's just something fishy going on. I gotta admit though, she's charming. She could win Ms. Photogenic in any contest.

I leaned back on the couch and sighed. It's a bit boring. I miss working. But I also missed my family.

I dialed my mom's number and after a few rings, she picked it up.

"Mom, are you going to support me.. If I told you that I'm going to work again?" I asked and bit my lower lip.

("Of course, son. If that's what you want. But I also don't want to pressure you.") she told me and I hummed.

"Okay, mom. Thanks." I said and ended the call. I now dialed the vixe president's nunber.

("Hello, Dennis speaking.") he said.

"Hey. Dennis. It's Jack. I just want to inform you that I'm going to come back." I said and he cheered.

("Really? This is great news! Are you sure!?") he asked excitingly and I hummed in an approving tone.

("Okay. I'm gonna say this to the president. He's going to be super happy!") he said and ended the call.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

Well. There's no turning back now.

Author's NOTE

Yay. So here is the chappie.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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