Chapter 10 - Let Me Love You

Start from the beginning

With that, they set off to the very same party as you and your uncle Aleck- yet they had no idea that you both were attending.

"Remember the plan." Evie enforced, just as you were arriving at the front gates of the grand Manor House venue. Luckily the ride from the station hadn't been too drawn out.

"How could I forget?" Replied Jacob, sighing lightly as his hazel eyes scanned the surroundings outside of the carriage, clambering out of the door as soon as the horse completely slowed to a halt.

Above them the sky was black like coal, and upon staring long enough even the tiniest glitters of stars could be seen. Now and again crackling golden fireworks went off into the canvas sky above, like a work of art.

Returning to the other side of the carriage, Jacob aided in helping Evie out of the carriage, and as soon as her feet hit the ground she was already surveying the scene with her bright blue eyes, and Jacob could see she was reconfiguring the plan in her head.

"Right." Came the confident words from the elder Frye twins lips, "let's be done with this."

With that the pair disappeared off inside- blending in as just two other party goers.


You had arrived a short while earlier- finding yourself in awe of the beautiful night sky and it's occasional spattering of gold sparks from the bright fireworks. The night was bitter cold, but you could've easily stayed out a while longer to watch them.

Inside the venue was beautiful, the floors marble and the walls rich dark oak panelled and a strong, orange fire roaring on the large hearth.

As per usual, everyone was greeting your uncle with keen interest, and you found yourself just being casually introduced now and again to men and women who didn't really seem all to bothered by your presence whatsoever.

"Drink of wine, (name)?" uncle Aleck asked after talking two Swedish inventors for a good twenty minutes- feeling a little exhausted by the buzz in the room even though you weren't directly plunged into it- you nodded, glad to accept a refreshment.

Stood alone, your (eye colour) eyes surveyed the room with a cool glance- and you looked over the room around you- no handsome bachelors that you could see- not even anyone below the age of 23- and therefore no reason to get your hopes up about being able to socialise at this event- what a let down.


"I can't see him," Jacob hissed, just as himself and Evie were about to part ways for their plan.

"Look harder, he will be here somewhere!" She mocked with a sarcastic tone, smirking to her twin as she disappeared to the left, "anyway I'm off to distract these guards- find your target and be ready." She stated, still carrying herself to blend in and not rouse suspicion as she left, leaving Jacob on his own.

All of a sudden it felt overwhelming to be faced with a room full of people when he was on his own, the crowd was a big one- as this was a well anticipated and esteemed event. The assassin pressed on through the crowds, hazel eyes scanning rapidly as he looked out for the Earl of Cardigan.

Like a strong white light from the corner of his eyes, Jacob noticed a figure that stood out to him, and he turned his gaze, looking between the faces in the crowd until he finally set eyes on the curiosity.

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