Don't get me wrong; it broke my heart to hear of her "recalling" our jokes and time together the weeks previous, but I played along because I loved her like she was my mother, and I knew how vital it was to keep her mental stability simply that.

My hands began shaking however as I checked the visitors log with a sickening gulp and left the sanitarium and sat behind the wheel of my car.

"Melanie my sweet little buttercup flower! What can I do you for my sweet-pea?" Penelope's happy and chirpy voice was too much for my emotional state and I slammed my hand over my mouth, working hard to move the lump in my throat as tears sprouted in my eyes. 

"Melanie? Hello?" I could hear the panic seeping into Penelope's voice and I desperately cleared my throat, blinking the tears from my eyes making them roll down my cheeks.

"I need your help, Garci." I choked. 

"Are you okay? Is it the baby? God, you're not in labour are you? Oh poop Mel where are you, I'll come get you?"

"No, no, the baby and I are fine Pen, I promise. I just..." I gulped the lump out of my throat and decided that this was best done in person. 

"I need to see a familiar face, I'm coming into the office." I admitted, slowly started the car and peeling out of the car park.

"Okaaay..." She dragged the word out, still not fully convinced. "I'll put the tea on shall I?" She asked precariously.

"Yes, please... I won't be long."

The Crazy Aunt

I paced my office, vocally rhyming out all of the possible things that could've happened to Mel that would make her so upset. 

My heart had plummeted and I'd immediately thought the worst when I'd heard her broken voice on the other end of the phone. 

I'd immediately located her via her GPS and discovered she was outside Spencer's mom's sanitarium and I couldn't help but think Diana's condition had worsened. 

But, she would've told me in order to notify Spencer and the team in that case... 

I hated not being in the loop; hated being the one left behind at the start of every new case, worrying and wondering what was happening to my loved ones. I reminded myself of a soldier's wife; stuck at home during the war wondering if her loved ones were ever going to return to her.

This situation was no different and I panicked over what could possibly have happened to my Melanie which I couldn't protect her from.

Abruptly there were two sharp knocks on my door and I jolted, knowing immediately who it was from her authoritative knock.

"Melanie!" I squealed in relief and hurried to the door, throwing it open and wrapping my arms around her in a tight squeeze; unable to get too close due to her mahoosive bump.

"Wow!" I grinned, pulling back and peering at the gigantic bump between us. 

"Looks like my little niece or nephew is seriously doing some growing!" I laughed, gently placing a hand on her protruding belly. I hadn't seen her in a few days and so much had changed already. 

"I can't believe the size of you. You still have an entire month to go!" I gushed and Mel nodded with a small smile. 

But I could see through that smile; could see the tears in her eyes and practically feel her forcing the lump out of her throat. 

"Come sit down honey, you look how I feel!" I gushed, ushering her over to my desk and setting her down on one of the spinning seats.

"Gee thanks Garci." She smirked and I smiled, fanning the air as I said,

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