Chapter 1.

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I opened the old,decaying wooden door ivy smothering it's every inch, the floor was pure green grass, with many white daisy's finishing it's beauty.The ceiling was glass so it was rainbows galore.

i hopped on and of the stone lily-pads and that's when i saw a beautiful orange butterfly with small black spots.It flew towards me and landed on my shoulder,I put my hand in front of it but it did'nt fly away. Now any other 'normal' butterfly would of flew away, where as this one didn't even flinch....

I sat down waiting for it to fly away but nothing happened i waited and i waited and i waited and still nothing happened, i even Jumped up and down and it weirdly copied me!

So i have a dancing, Jumping butterfly on my shoulder and it's not moving!

"Hey! You."

i looked around completely lost!

"yeah you come here, do you now that that butterfly is very special and if it fly's to you it has chosen you to....."

"Look i'm new here and you have given me a really bad impression of you so if you don't mind LEAVE ME ALONE!"

He turned around and walked away from me

"Oh and Thanks For The Boring Information!"

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