Part 30--Painless Nights and Ruining Lives--

Start from the beginning

I flailed my arms and randomly elbowed him multiple times in his chest. I tried to speak with his hand over my mouth but it came out something like "MMMMMAJDWJESDIHDIWD" I even went to the extent of stomping on his feet and biting his hand. 

"DAMMIT!" He yelled when I bit his hand and let go of my waist to grip his bitten hand. I took that chance to run away and out of the hospital. I didn't bother looking back and ran as fast as my short legs could take me. It took about five seconds for the guy to recover and realize that I was half way out the door and he didn't waste anymore precious time. He was stronger and faster so it was no surprise that he had caught up to me. I weaved through cars and out of the hospital parking lot with adrenaline rushing though my veins. The guy was just on my heals but I didn't stop running. I wouldn't give up. 

"STOP, GEMMA!" The guy behind me growled. 

"IN YOUR DREAMS!" I yelled back, if he thought I would stop this easily he was dreaming. I didn't exactly know where I was heading, but I kept my head up and my eyes pinned on the objects in front of me. When the time came to cross the road, I didn't bother waiting for a signal and I just crossed my fingers, hoping that I wouldn't get thwacked by  a vehicle. 

I closed my eyes and ran across the street. I heard several horns and a few cars screeching but no yelling...yet. Suddenly I felt no presence behind me. When I reached the sidewalk,  I slowed down my pace and turned around. All I saw was a sidewalk of people staring at me like I was crazy and shop lights. No creepy pedophile.  

I stopped running and crouched over my knees. I hadn't done this much running in a while and my side hurt a lot. Catching my breath was really hard, considering a million and one things were running through my mind and I didn't know what to believe.  Who was that guy? What did he want from me? Was the guy gone? Was Wyatt okay? A thousand questions that couldn't be answered.  I slowly started walking, heading towards Brian's apartment, there was no way in hell that I would be going back to that hospital. I subconsciously looked around to make sure that I wasn't being followed, but at this point everyone looked suspicious. 

For all I knew the old lady behind me could be that person who called me this morning. I narrowed my eyes at the old lady and pressed my lips into a thin line. She looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes and smiled. "Is everything alright, dear?" 

That's when I realized how stupid I was being. That guy, whoever he was, was gone now. I shouldn't have given that sweet old lady such a suspicious look, nor should I be so paranoid. Things were weird but that didn't mean I had to make everyone a target. "No, ma'am. Sorry." I spoke quietly and walked away. The town's lights looked beautiful. Everyone was getting ready for Christmas, which was only 3 weeks away and I let my mind ease the bad thoughts away and started thinking about Christmas presents. 

I walked to the end of the sidewalk and stood at the crosswalk, waiting for the light to turn green so that I could walk across. Brian's building was just across the street, just a few more minutes and I would be safe...hopefully. When the light turned green, I looked both ways just in case and started to walk. There was a car approaching but it was at a little bit of distance and since the traffic light was red, I presumed they would stop and started walking. 

I walked slow and looked down as I walked, but I didn't ignore the sound when I heard a car horn sound loudly and screeching tires. I looked in the direction of the sound and saw two bright lights approaching me, the same ones that belonged to the car that I had seen just seconds ago. 

The car didn't stop, I didn't move and within seconds I felt a jolt of pain and pressure in my pelvis. My breath was sucked out of my lungs and the pain made its way up my body. My body was flung from my feet onto my side and I rolled off the car. I didn't have any control at this point because of the pain and my head slammed against the ground. 

I didn't hear any screams, and why would I? No one was there, the street was deserted. My eyes slowly closed and I groaned in pain. My hair felt wet and I assumed it was blood, it would be silly to assume it was anything else. I heard a car door slam shut and deep laughter. 

"Tsk tsk," A voice spoke, laced with fake remorse. "Honey, you okay?" I felt a hand run over my hair. "Such a pretty girl and such a tragedy....Maybe, just maybe this could have been avoided if you answered me this morning and didn't pretend not to know what I was talking about." 

"Riot, I tried to get her just now, she escaped-" Another voice spoke. 

"You did bull**** You could have gotten her and you chose not to." The man identified as Riot spoke. "Besides...I got her." 

"Wyatt won't be happy-" The other voice interluded. 

"Forget Wyatt, he wasn't going to do what I asked anyways, I knew that from the start. It was just a matter of time until I found out that he wanted to kill me." Riot spoke again. "It's okay, though. I got her." The hand ran over my hair again and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't open my eyes, I could barely breathe and the pain got to me. "You'll help me very, very much...Help me ruin Wyatt Evans." 

(A/N: This year was hard. I got sick, I had to deal with a internal conflicts, school, friend issues and even a heartbreak that has been carrying on for a long time now. But you know what? I wouldn't trade my struggles for anything. Everyone has their struggles and all we ever need is for someone to listen to and understand us and I figured out that that best person to listen to and understand you is yourself. This year has been very crazy and although there were some bad memories, I also made many wonderful ones. I'm wishing a happy new year to all of you and I hope that you all are able to accomplish any goal you set for yourself. You all are amazing and wonderfully sweet. HAPPY NEW YEAR AND GOOD LUCK FOR 2016. Thank you so much for your support and although this book may not be the most popular, I am so very grateful for your appreciation and support, you all are wonderful and keep me going <3 Thank you and Enjoy this chapter :) WARNING;UNEDITED

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