Meeting Lady Melody

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Sofia and Hugo approached the nurse's office and entered quietly. Suddenly, a beautiful young woman with wavy black hair and pink glasses showed up. "Princess Sofia and Prince Hugo, I presume?" she asked.

"Yes," said Sofia and Hugo together.

"Very nice to meet you," said the lady, curtseying. "I'm Lady Melody. Sir Gilliam told me you were coming."

Sofia and Hugo were surprised—Lady Melody was actually very kind, and she looked very beautiful.

"Oh, I see," Lady Melody chuckled—and snorted. "You were expecting me to be a witch. Well, I wouldn't be a nurse working at Royal Prep if I was a witch, would I?"

Sofia and Hugo giggled.

"No, I guess not," Sofia sniffled.

"Alright, let me take a look at you, kids," Lady Melody said. "You can have a seat on one of them beds, Princess Sofia. I'm going to take a look at Prince Hugo."

Sofia got up on a bed, and Lady Melody saw that Hugo's arm was swollen. She carefully examined the arm until she found a sore spot. "It looks like I need to see if you have any broken bones, honey," she said. She went and came back with a fancy-looking machine.

Sofia and Hugo were very amazed at Lady Melody's machine. "What is that?" they both asked.

"My father helped me invent this special machine, so I could take a look at people's bones to see if they broke anything," said Lady Melody. "I built this gadget just last month. Okay, hold still, little buddy."

Lady Melody carefully placed Hugo's injured arm in the machine, and she carefully took a picture of his bones. "Okay, there you go," she said when she finished.

Lady Melody carefully looked at Hugo's bone picture, and she could see that there was a little crack in one of his bones.

"Oh, dear—you seem to have a minor fracture, young prince," she said. "Not to worry—it's not very bad, but I'm going to put your arm in a cast, so it can heal." She carefully wrapped Hugo's arm in a cast and put it in a sling. Hugo felt so much better now that his arm was treated.

"Okay, Sofia, let me see you," Lady Melody said. She checked Sofia's temperature, nose, and throat very carefully.

"You just have a little cold, sweetie," Lady Melody said. "The good thing is that you're not contagious, but I should give you a flu shot to keep your cold from turning into the flu."

Lady Melody turned to Hugo and said, "I'll have to give you one too, young prince. You'll never know when icky Mr. Flu will get you, especially at this time of year."

"Okay," said Hugo.

Lady Melody gave Sofia the flu vaccine, and she did the same for Hugo, who was dirty from crashing into the tree.

"Well, there you go," Lady Melody said. "Now let's get you cleaned up, Prince Hugo, before your parents get here to take you home."

"Okay," said Hugo.

While Hugo waited for Lady Melody, Sofia signed his cast.

"Thanks, Sof," Hugo said.

"No problem," said Sofia with a sniffle. Then she let out a sneeze.

"Bless you," said Hugo.

"Thanks," Sofia said.

Lady Melody came back with a brush and said, "Alright, my boy, hold still—this may tickle."

Lady Melody gently brushed the leaves and twigs off Hugo, and the bristles of the brush started to tickle when she brushed the leaves off his back and under his arm.

"Okay, let me brush the leaves off your tummy," Lady Melody chuckled with a snort.

As Lady Melody gently brushed Hugo's tummy, it tickled so much that it made him giggle.

"That tickles," giggled Hugo.

Lady Melody laughed and snorted. Both Sofia and Hugo thought it was very funny, and they started giggling at her silly pig laugh.

"What's so funny?" Lady Melody asked.

"Do you always snort when you laugh?" Sofia asked.

"Oh, yes, it's very natural," Lady Melody said. "My family thinks it's really funny."

"It's hilarious," giggled Hugo. "I can't wait until everybody meets you tomorrow in science class."

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