Auburn’s gentle happy tones bring me back to earth. I saw him about to reach the doorknob.


“Wait,” Crimson, identified by his green lock of hair, dragged Auburn, “Listen,”


‘One thing about the Hue brothers,” added Skylar, “is that they perform as one,”


“Not again,” said Red.


We were there in complete silence.


“What?” I asked, “What is it?”


We heard stomping sounds and a girl’s giggle. Someone was scorning. Another one cursed. It came nearer and nearer.


The immense door slammed open. The force seemed to slap my face. A milky-pink haired girl appeared. She greeted us with wide happy brown eyes.


“Oh my gosh,” she exclaimed as her eyes began to gleam, “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygossshh!!!” she bounced up and down, her manicured hands clasped on her chest. I thought I just saw many twinkling stars around her. “Danny cute, they just arrived!” she yelled inside.


When she received no reply, she hollered again, “Danny, I’m not playing cute around!” she turned to me, “You must be Jacqueline,”


“Jacky,” I nodded. We shook hands. This girl is so loud.


“Cordelia Dianne Juno,” she introduced to herself, “Just call me Cordelia. Do come in,”


“Is this supposed to be my house?” Skylar scorned, “You must watch your noise, Cordelia. It isn’t funny,”


Cordelia’s expression softened, “Oh. Uhh, sorry,”


Swissh! That was painful. I could have frowned.


“This way,” Ted and the Hue brothers led us.


The couch was too long to be a couch. It was architecture of smooth thick black wire, tangled until it formed a divan. I sat on it. It was comfy. Crimson, Auburn and Red stood behind me. Skylar sat one seat apart from me.


“Hues, be in the kitchen,” Ted commanded. All three of them nodded, bowed, and walked away.


Too too casual.


“Please, wait here,” said Ted as he was going upstairs. Cordelia ran, knocking Ted out of her way upstairs.


“Daniel! Danny!” Cordelia exclaimed happily, “I’m cutely telling you, they’re here!” she made a grunting sound, “Don’t worry, Gil. I can manage him.”  She said as if she was talking to someone. “Come on, you’ve got to see her. She’s got a small, flat cute nose!”


My nose really caught anyone’s attention. I blinked and touched it. Was it really that small?

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