Before You Read

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DISCLAIMER; You may wanna read the first book to this series "The Coach and The Player" first to understand the whole backstory. This book picks off right where the first book ends.

Alrighty, so I'm back at it again writing the sequel to "The Coach and The Player" which is (as of December 29th, 2015 at 6:20 am) is at 20,000 reads! Which is hella dope because I didn't think anyone would read it. Okay so the idea for this book popped into my head again because I was looking up photos of male celebrities on Google and the lovely Alex Pettfyer came up. And it got me thinking that I didn't like the way I left things in the first book. You pretty much don't know what happened to any of the characters after they left the diner because they've all gone separate ways. And I pretty much hated leaving the book like that. So I just had to make another one! The inspiration for this book pretty much came from the ending of the first book. The first book makes you question and wonder happened. So I'm uberly tired and ready to start writing so yeah! I hope you enjoy this book and don't mind the grammar mistakes usually when I write the chapters it's late in the morning like right now well not right now because you'll be reading this at different times but at the time I'm writing this "before you read" it's pretty early. So enjoy!

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