My dream man & getting tickets

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Ughhh does true love even exist or is it just made up in movies I wonder if there's a guy out there with all the qualities of the perfect man in my opinion my perefect man has to...

-be a good singer

-be a freakin awesome cuddler

-be thoughtful

-be gentle

-have brown eyes and hair

-a good father


and blah blah blah thats pretty much it well thats all i can think of right now oh here comes my sister Lacey



Lacey: Hey

Annalisa: Hey whats up

Lacey: remember how i said i have concert tickets to see Panic! at the Disco with lizzie

Annalisa: Yeah...

Lacey: Well she got sick and cant go and everyone elses moms wont let them so do you want to go with me?

Annalisa: I mean i dont know any of their songs and i dont listen to them like you do

Lacey: Its alright you can pretend

Annalisa: Okay ill look them up and listen to them so i dont look like a complete idiot

Lacey: Okay bye

Annalisa: Bye

Okay so lets look this up. Hmmm...The lead singer is Brendan Urie ooooohh hes got all the physical qualities of my dream man. And hes only a couple years older than me. God what am i thinkin he would never talk to me. But they are bacstage passes so maybe we could talk but he would never ask for my phone number. And i admit he does have pretty good songs and he sounds amazing live.

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