"Oh yeah, forgot you and Niall are always in my classroom during homeroom." I said and walked into my classroom. "Niall, get out of my chair."

"But it's spinny." he replies.

"Ooo. I wanna try!" Harry says.

"No, go sit in the desks, both of you." I demanded.

"Hmf. Teachers are no fun." Niall mummbles.

"Niall, you're basically a teacher." I tell him.

"Not exactly, I just teach kids to play guitar. And that's later in the day." he says.

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. Let me set everything up and you should really stop calling them kids. They're teenagers."

"Yeah, teenagers who are obsessed with us." Harry mummbles.

"Not my fault we're incredibly sexy." I replied and sticked a pose which Niall decided to take a picture. "Oi mate, no phones in school. Especially no pictures."

"Oh relax, the school allows pictures and no phone for the kids during class." Niall told me.

"Since when?"

"Since school started."

"Oh, well the teenagers are coming into the class so move out the way."

"What no. We're going to greet them in the doorway like we normally do." Harry replies.

"Yo Mr. Malik. I'm here." A student yells raising his arms.

"Cool, I'm here too!" I yell back copying his actions. I hear a picture snap and I turn to Niall. "Bruh, that wasn't cool man."

"Oh well, you'll see your pictures on Twitter." Niall replies giving the students high fives. The bell rings.

"Ok me homeroom, today we have everyone staying in their homeroom due to I don't know. Some reason, I didn't finish reading the paper." I tell them.

Niall starts laughing and Harry says "Dude, we don't even have homeroom classes and we know what's going on."

"Well sorry, I never finished reading the paper." I tell them rolling ny eyes.

"Basically, something is wrong with the door locks and something flammable." Niall says. "Which is why some classes are canceled like the music room and erm others too."

"This means you can either teach your class all the subjects or just have fun today." Harry tells us.

The room starts filling with everyone wanting to have fun.

"Alright, everyone shush up. We will have some fun today mostly because I don't want to grade papers and I really don't want to talk about weather and do math." I announced. The class started chanting whoos. "But wait, there's a spirit rally today. It isn't canceled. So I have some shirts to pass out. Our color for our homeroom is purple and they say Royal Maliks on the back and the front has a crown. I found out that Malik means royalty. Niall and Harry bought plastic crowns too. So come on guys, pass them out."

Niall and Harry pass them out while I went to go put on a movie on the smart board.

"Mr. Malik, what movie are we watching?" a student asks.

"Uh, Nemo or Toy Story?" I answer.

"Let's watch Nemo!" Niall yells excitedly.

"Ugh Niall, ya know mate." I hear some students giggle at my accent. "Toy Story is waaayyyy better."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too."

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