Defective (Amethyst)

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I'm not like the others,
I'm just a little runt,
Not the same,
I am Defective,
To my brethren I am just a mistake,
To my friends I am a hero,
Created to destroy,
Instead, I chose to protect,
But, I am still Defective,
Defective, my kind says,
Defective, the unknowing green gem said,
Defective, the soldier said,
Defective, the former servant once said long ago,
Defective, the Diamonds will say when they see me,
I hear them saying it everyday,
And deep down, I know it's true,
Defective, I say with them... I say it everyday, too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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