Running out of time

Start from the beginning

Hours later I was woken up by Deaton " Derek will be back soon, I have to check your wounds and then we'll get started" he said as he started to cut away at the gauze that was wrapped around my torso. He poked at my stitches and tested the skin around them " They look fine, not healed quite yet but they look a lot better" at that he wiped them down with peroxide before putting new gauze patches on top as I heard the door open. Deaton left the room momentarily to see who it was before walking back in with Derek, Stiles, Ethan, and Lydia. " Alright lets get started" said Deaton. They brought out a metal bathtub and filled it with ice and water before adding in some other things. I was already sort of sat up and leaning on my elbows so when they finished getting everything ready I shakily pushed myself all the way up into a sitting position an swung my legs over. My feet hit the cold floor. They started to explain what we were about to do and when they finished I went to stand on my legs but they began to buckle underneath me. I almost fell but Derek, who was standing next to me, quickly gave me a hand. After I regained my balance I stepped over to the tub like I was told to. I stepped in and sat in the icy water " Alright Derek, Ethan come over I'm going to need you to hold him down. Now, Peter they are going to hold you under for less than a minute. Don't panic, whatever you see while you are in this trance is not real" said Deaton, I nodded and within seconds I was under water. I held my breath as the hands stopped keeping me down and i slowly floated back to the top. I felt strange, my body felt light and my mind was at ease " Peter, can you hear me?" asked Deaton " Yes" I said, " What do you remember from the night you were attacked, tell me everything starting with when Harley appeared at your door" he asked again. I couldn't help but answer him it was like I didn't have control " She had questions. I promised her that I would tell her anything that she wanted to know. I was cooking soup and offered her some. I gave her some books to read that would tell her about werewolves. She asked about my family and the fire. She was going to leave when the door was burst open and a canister was thrown into the room. I think it was filled with some kind of wolfsbane. I fought against one of the men that came in but I was weak, that's when I was shot. The smoke cleared and I heard a voice" I said " What voice" I heard what sounded like Stiles question " be quiet Stiles! I told you that there can only be one voice speaking to him or he will get confused" Deaton whispered harshly. I answered his question anyway " Kate" I said " It was Kate, when the smoke cleared she was standing over me. She said that this was payback for when I slit her throat.....she wanted the triskelion   .  I don't know why but thats all that she asked for when I told her to leave she said she would take Harley instead. I tried to get to her but i couldn't move, they carried out her limp body and I couldn't get to her" I growled and tried to thrash as I felt hands holding me down " Calm down Peter! it's okay. Stop!" Yelled someone as I was held down. I was pushed back underneath the water and when I came up my eyes shot open and I quickly looked around the room.  My breathing was ragged and my heart was racing as I looked around. They were all staring at me with wide eyes " What?" I asked as I tried to stop my heart from hammering in my chest. " You don't remember anything that you just said?" asked Deaton " No, why what did I say" I said as I looked over at Derek " You said it was Kate that attacked you but that doesn't make sense" said Stiles. " How is she back? are you sure it was her? she's dead you killed her how can she be alive" Stiles rambled on until I spoke " I don't know how she's back okay all I know was that it was was her. She wasn't human though I'm almost certain that she was a werewolf " I said. " Great, thats just great" said Stiles " We have to find her, I have to find her" I said as i got up and stepped out of the tub. I was shivering and gladly took the towel that Deaton offered me. " How are we going to find her though. We have no idea where to look, what are we supposed to do? " asked Stiles, " I don't know where we look but I can't just sit here anymore twiddling my thumbs, I'm going with you guys to help find her" I said to them. I was handed a black hoodie and sweat pants " Here,you're right while I don't think you're ready to go back out there yet Harley needs to be found. Go in the back and change" said Deaton. I took the close and nodded in thanks before I across to the bathroom and changed into my clothes. After slipping the hoodie over my head I caught a look at myself in the mirror for the first time since I was brought here. My eyes looked bloodshot and had dark bags underneath them.  I looked ruff and ragged. Turning on the faucet I splashed some cold water in my face, I reached for a paper towel and dried my face before I walked back out to the four of them. " Let's go" said Derek as he walked out the door and was followed by Stiles and Ethan. " Thanks for uh patching me up" I said to Deaton before walking out. Stepping into the car I looked at each of them before saying " Well? get driving. We're wasting time just sitting here" I said annoyed at the stares I was getting. The car was started but I didn't know where we were going so I just sat  there staring out the window and zoned out. I was brought out of my thoughts by Stiles " Peter? hello anybody home??" he asked " What do you want" I replied in a annoyed tone. He rolled his eyes before saying " do you have any ideas of as to where she could be? you said that Kate wanted the triskelion right? what is it and where can we find it?". " The triskelion is a tool used to help young young wolves control the change, Peter gave it to me when I was still a beta." said Derek " So it's like some kind of magical wolfy control thing? " asked Stiles " No Stiles, the triskelion holds no magic it is merely just a piece of wood but if you truly believe that it has as you said " magical powers" than it can help you" I replied. " But how does it work though?" asked stiles " By concentration on it as repeating the mantra The sun The moon The truth it helps you fight the change" " Okay okay okay so how do we find it?" " The vault" was all I said before Derek changed lanes and began driving towards the high school.

" Wait a minute so let me get this straight. Your family built a vault under the high school? " asked Stiles as we parked and began to walk towards the entrance " no you dimwit, the vault was here long before the high school. The school now just serves as a cover I guess. it keeps it better hidden." I replied as we entered. No time was wasted as soon as I grabbed the triskelion we walk back out. We were almost to the car when we heard it. " Was that a howl? Multiple howls?!" asked stiles " get in the car stiles"  I said in a low voice " but why i want to hel- " he said but was cut off by a loud scream. ' Lydia' . " Get in the damn car everyone, now. We have to get back to Lydia" I growled out as they and myself got back into the car. We sped all the way there " She's not answering me" said stiles sounding worried. He tried and tried again before we pulled up, he was about to run inside when i put a hand in front of him stopping him in his tracks. " What are you doing?? let go!" he shouted as he fought against me. " Stop, we are not alone here" I said in a whisper giving a look to Derek and Ethan. Getting our claws out we slowly entered. I could smell the tang of blood in the air it was not strong but still evident. Turning into the office the first thing I saw was a shoe. A heel to be exact, ruby red and dripping. Stiles must have followed what i was staring at because in seconds he was by her side " Lydia? oh my god Lydia are you okay? Look at me" He said to her in a rushed voice. Looked down at her she had slash marks across her chest that were bleeding. " We have to get her to a hospital" said Derek. " She's dying" Lydia whispered  making us all turn to look at her. " Who? Who's dying lydia ? I asked. She looked at me with big eyes before uttering one word that made my blood run cold                      " Harley". 

* I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! Hello everybody! Anyone miss me at all? I feel like a horrible person I haven't updated in MONTHS people MONTHS :(. I'm so sorry everyone I've just been distracted a lot lately and this chapter was hard for me. Literally the worst writers block ever. But anyway, here it is! I REALLY hope you guys like this, I spent a lot of time trying to get it right.  

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