Simulation. Before death.

Start from the beginning

Suddenly the video became blurry and a noise could be heard.

It was (y/n). Or at least the adult version of you. You were fighting the simulation. Hitting the helmet and had broken your handcuffs.

"Stay still. Breath normally." Isabella said in the microphone.

I clenched my teeth: "Do you really expect her to stay calm when she just saw a genocide."

"I expect to see the simulation by any means possible. And you should not get so carried away by your sentiments."

"This has nothing to do with my sentiments...." I snapped

"I think even you know that's not true." Isabella responded without looking up.

I turned my eyes back to the screen. Soldiers had walked in. The family's hiding had been discovered. (Y/n) was hiding behind the window's curtains.
She peeked behind the curtains just in time to see her whole family slaughtered. A tear fell down her check but she had the common sense of not reaching out. She breathed in and out slowly.

Your POV

A tear fell down your check. You rushed forwards and cradled yourself in their dying bodies. Your mother hand drifted to your face and slowly smile. She was too weak for words so that was her final sign of affection. Footsteps were coming back up.

The soldiers were coming back. You quickly jumped out of the window to escape them.

The simulation faded into black. You tried to slow down your heartbeat telling yourself it was only just a dream. But it wasn't. You remembered it as though it were yesterday.

"The simulation is going to latch on to another memory. Keep breathing. It will accelerant the process."

"I don't want to continue. Please stop it! Stop it!" You were just whining at first but now you were lashing out and screaming and crying.

Living it once was a nightmare. Living it twice was something you couldn't expect.

"Stop it!" Steve said. "Let her out."
You opened your eyes. You could see Steve storming up to the simulation.

"If you take it off before the simulation is done you would be killing her." Isabella cried. Steve stopped dead in his tracks, a tear fell down from his eye. He slowly walked back, no wanting to look at you.

Then your head jolted back. You vision shifted.

You were on a green meadow. Wind was wiping at your face but you were laughing. Giggling away. Luc sat next to you.

He looked in his fourteenth year of age.
He was tossing an apple at you. You were both laughing as though your parents hadn't been murdered two years before.

You brushed the hair out of your face, a tentative to make you more beautiful in Luc's eyes.

"(Y/n)?" He asked, serious all of a sudden.
"Yes?" A frown ruined your face.
"I don't know how to say this."
"Just say it in the shortest way possible."
"I...." He pursed his lips as though he was tasting something sour. "I'm joining the army."
"Truly. I was told that there was a post available and that with the English in the North they needed a lot of manpower. I simply accepted."
"I'll close to then." You said flatly as though there was no question about it.
"You joining the army?"
"Do you think I am not capable of such a thing."
"No. If anyone, I would want you with me but... Well, you're a woman. They won't allow it."
"They aren't going to have a choice." You smiled.
He smiled sadly and said: "I'm only going because like that I can provide for people that I love. You don't need the money and war is not something you should see. I haven't seen it myself but I know it changes people. And I just... Just don't want to loose you. Don't go."
Your smile wavered and then fell. You then said: "you will write me a letter won't you?"
"You don't know how to read and I don't know either."
"Then draw. Just keep in touch."
"Okay. Race you back."
And you did. You both ran. Who won? You don't remember. That was one of the important stages of your life.

The soldiers. Steve Rogers/Captain America x readerWhere stories live. Discover now