You Hang Out With Him

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Light Yagami

At the entrance ceremony, you were surprised to see that the guy you'd met earlier, Light, was in fact the student representative, along with another guy. After the ceremony, you went for a walk and saw him standing with the other representative, so you yelled to him. "Hey, Light!" You called, and he smiled and motioned for you to come to him. When you did the other representative left, leaving you two alone.

"You were pretty damn good up there. You got perfect on the entrance exams?" You asked, and he nodded.

"Yeah. So did Ryuga. The other guy. Was the speech good?"

"Yeah, it was really good." You replied, but then you realized the time. "Ah, dammit, I'm late. I've gotta head on home. Will I see you again?"

He grinned and nodded. "Yeah. I'll see you later, {Y/N}."

With that, you parted ways. However, from that day onward, you would hang out with Light daily. He was a really nice guy! And so were his parents and sister!

One day after hanging out with him, you went home and laid down on your bed, worn out. You thought of Light and felt yourself blush.

Dammit... I like him already, don't I?

L Lawliet

After your strange first encounter, L started coming to the bakery more often, and it got to the point where he would wait for you to get your break so you two could sit down and talk together.

"So," you began, "Anything new? What's up?"

He sighed. "Nothing. I'm still working on this case."

He had told you he was L for your own safety. Since you were always hanging out with him, people would get suspicious, right? Some may even question how much you knew. Well, you knew quite a bit.

"Aw, Ryu, hang in there. Kira's gonna get caught. You've got this."

He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Heh... Thanks, {Y/N}."

You two continued to talk about the case, as well as other things, until he had to go back to the hotel to work some more on the case. As he left, you sighed and your co-worker grinned at you.

"You have it bad for him, don't you?" She asked, and you swatted her arm.

"Shut up!!" You exclaimed, but in your mind, you knew that she was completely right.

Mihael "Mello" Keehl

For a while, you and Mello didn't exactly... Get along. You were a hard-worker, and you liked to get everything done by yourself. So when he would try to help you, you would get annoyed. However, as time progressed, you started to enjoy having the company. Even if he was a bit of a hothead.

"Hey, what's up?" You asked as you sat down beside him while you guys had lunch.

"Ugh. Matt's begging me to go with him to a gaming convention. He's competing in a tournament or something." He told you, and you giggled.

Matt was Mello's best friend, and went to the same orphanage as him. They were like an old married couple, always bickering about something.

"Are you gonna go... Or...?"

"Hell no. Being around so many gamers will kill me."

You rolled your eyes and he smiled at you. "So? What about you?"

"Nothing." You simply responded.

He scoffed and looked at you in boredom. "You're so boring. Come on, you've gotta be up to something."

Besides really liking you, no...

Wait, WHAT?? Did I seriously just think that?!

You shook your head 'no' and Mello got up to use the bathroom. "I'll be back in a sec." He said and you nodded.

Okay, fine. You like him. Just admit it.

Mail "Matt" Jeevas

During the gaming tournament, you were completely focused on winning. However, when the results came out, you and Matt had tied for the top spot. When you did a tiebreaker, he whooped your ass pretty badly, but then started walking around the convention with you. You have him your number and then you two started hanging out. And you started to develop feelings for him.

One day, you went to his place to play videogames, and just sat with him in front of the TV. "Okay, Matt, I'm out... Who the hell is that?" Someone said, and you turned to see a guy with blonde hair looking at you with confusion.

"Oh, that's {Y/N}. She's the girl from the tournament. {Y/N}, that's Mello. He lives with me."

"Correct yourself. You live with me. This is my place."

Matt rolled his eyes and paused the game to glare at Mello. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"I'm leaving, Jeevas. Don't mess around with your girl there too much, 'Kay?"


There's no way he knows I like him... Right??

You blushed and looked at Matt in shock. "Did you tell him I was your girlfriend or something?!"

"No! I didn't, I swear!" He yelled, and then glared daggers at Mello. "Go to work, please, before I kill you."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm out." Mello said. "It was nice to meet you, {Y/N}."

"S-same to you." You muttered, and then you heard the front door close.

"I'm so sorry that you had to deal with him." Matt groaned. "He's such an asshole."

You chuckled and ran a hand through your hair. "It's okay. Heh... You two are like an old married couple."

"{Y/N}! Don't say that!!" He scolded, and you giggled and put your hands in a surrender kind of look.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." You managed between laughs.

"Ugh. You gave me a minor heart tremor there." Matt said, and you rolled your eyes and picked up another controller.

"Well, I'm about to give you another one!" You declared, and got ready to play.

Nate "Near" River

As you worked with Near, you started to enjoy having him around. One day, you both took a lunch break at the same time, so you decided to hang out with him.

"Hey, Near, what's up?" You questioned, sitting beside him.

"Ah, hello, Detective {L/N}."

"Don't call me that. Just call me {Y/N}. Please?"

"Okay, then. {Y/N}. How're you doing with the case?"

"I really like it!" You chirped. "I enjoy working with all of you!"

He looked at you in surprise. You were quite enthusiastic, with a very optimistic personality. "Is that so? I'm glad."

"So," you muttered, "How do you think I'm doing?"

Near raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Well, am I good at working with everyone...?"

He softened and smiled at you. "Of course you are. In fact, you're an essential part of our team. Your optimism and enthusiasm affects our whole team. Me, especially."

You blushed and took a bite of your food. "T-thanks, Near."

Wow, for a levelheaded and seemingly emotionless guy, Near's pretty nice.

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