Chapter 2

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Dragging myself out of bed this morning was harder than I thought. I had fallen asleep last night without finishing all my packing. I passed out around 2:30, which I knew was going to make it hard to wake up the next morning. It was now 6:15, and I still had a lot of stuff to do before I left the house. I could always sleep on the plane, right?

Wrong. When I took my seat on the plane I was sandwiched between my mom and my little brother, Sam. Sam was running his Matchbox cars all over my arms, and my mom was passed out in the seat next to me. Well, at least she's getting some rest.

When we finally landed, I was completely exhausted. We landed in Los Angeles around 8 AM. It was weird, the time difference, but I was thankful for it because I needed to catch up on some sleep. I still wanted to go out later. We ended up taking a cab farther south from LA to this town called Huntington Beach. It took about 45 minutes to get there, but I didn't really notice any of the surroundings because I slept for most of the trip. Mom nudged me when we got into town.

I looked out the windows suddenly overwhelmed by the town. California was gorgeous. I started smiling as we drove by the hundreds of palm trees lining the road. The cab pulled into a residential street and my eyes got big again. Right on the beach, wow. I looked past the houses and caught small glipses of the ocean as we drove. I couldn't wait to get on those waves. We pulled into a rather large looking house at the end of the street. It looked so friendly. The house had yellow siding with white and blue accents. The window boxes overflowed with flowers, and the lawn was decorated with small palm trees.

Before I knew it we were being welcomed in by my mom's best friend Selene. She took a few of our suitcases and called in to the house, "They're here! They're here! Owen! Adrianna! Come help!" A few moments later a boy about my age with sandy blone hair appeared with a girl that looked just like him. They both had the same hair, and the same brown eyes. The girl jogged down the steps and came to meet us by the car. She came over to me and gave me a hug. She had a smile on her face, and welcomed me to Huntington. It was impossible not to like her, she was so nice.

"Hi, you must be Avery! I'm Adrianna."

"Hey Adrianna. It's great to finally meet you!" I told her. And I meant it. It was weird that I was so worried about not making friends. Adrianna seemed really sweet. The boy came up next. He extended his hand to me and gave me a smile. Wow. he has really white teeth.

"I'm Owen." I kinda checked him out for a while, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Hey, I'm Avery. So uh, how old are you guys?" I asked trying to start conversation.

"We're 16. We're twins, so we'll both turn 17 tomorrow." Said Owen.

"Cool! I turned 17 a few weeks ago" I told them. They were both definitely related. They had the same smile too.

"Do you surf?" Adrianna asked me, her eyes pleading. I think she really wanted me to say yes.

"Yeah I do." I told her and excitement broke out on her face.

"Yes, finally! I have a girl to surf with! Now I don't have to tag along with Owen and his jackass friends." I started laughing as Owen tried to come up with something to say back to her.

"Hey my friends aren't that bad!"

"Uh yeah they are." She said and before he had a chance to reply, Adrianna grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the house. By the time we got in, we were both laughing. "So do you wanna hit the waves now?" She asked with a smile.

"Why not. I'll just grab a bikini from my suitcase." I rummaged through my stuff and put on a bikini and pulled on a pair of shorts to match. "Hey Ade, do you have a board I could use? I didn't really think mine would fit in carry-on." I joked.

"Yeah sure you can just use Owen's for now. When we get back I can get the extra out of the attic."

I grabbed Owen's board from outside and walked with Adrianna down to the beach. Their house was right on the beach, as in their backyard was sand. It was awesome. Owen's board was freshly waxed, so we just went directly down to the waves. We didn't take any time to get started. As soon as my toes hit the water, I ran out into the ocean and waited for Adrianna.

We paddled out and caught a wave back to shore. Wow, this felt so good. It's been over a year since I've surfed due to the fact that I live in New Jersey. It must be nice to live in California all year round. You can surf whenever you want, the weather is always pretty warm. In New Jersey, the weather gets pretty cold in the winter, and there's snow. So that brings surfing to a single season for me; summer.

After we finish our first run I can tell the waves are definitely different. They're way better than the ones at home. It must be because the water is shallower. At home the ocean floor gets deeper gradually, but then drops and goes really deep in some places. The Pacific is more constant, no drops in the ocean floor yet. Another plus is that the ocean water here is like tap water. I start laughing to myself.

"What's so funny?" Adrianna asked paddling over to where I was just chilling on my board.

"The Ocean." I told her. She cocked her head to the side and looked confused. This made me laugh again. "The Atlantic Ocean is so salty that if you open your eyes underwater you basically go blind. The water there makes the Pacific Ocean seem like a glass of spring water." This time she laughed with me.

"Hey, don't go knocking the Pacific!" She laughed at me.

"Haha, no worries, I'm not. The waves are actually way better here. And on the plus side, I won't get out of the water with salt actually starting to dry in my hair." I said grateful that I wouldn't come out of the water with my hair looking like the inside of a saltshaker. She laughed again and we continued to surf for a couple more hours.

Around 1 o' clock we decided to get out. I was starving from the trip, so Adrianna suggested we get some lunch. We dropped our boards off at the house, and started walking to a little beach shack that served burgers and wraps. We were almost to the shack when we passed a bunch of guys playing beach volleyball. Adrianna stopped to say hi to some of her friends, so I just kinda hung back a little. Before I could start walking again, a volleyball came flying at me and hit the back of my head. I fell to the ground and looked up. A guy with long, tousled brown hair came running over to me. The sun reflected off of something shiny creating a glare, I almost didn't see him offer me his hand. There was one thing I did see, however, the outline of his well defined body and his super hot abs.

He helped me up and looked me in the eyes. "Sorry about that," He said with a little smirk forming on his lips, "but you really should be watching where you're going."

"Or maybe you should should work on your skills a little and aim for getting the ball in the court." I retorted. The smile grew bigger on his face.

"Haha, fiesty nice. I like it. What's your name sass master?"

"Avery. And what about you, Misty May-Trainor?" I asked. He obviously caught the beach volleyball reference because he laughed and smiled again.

"I'm Wesley."

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